Human Diversity

Jewish supremacist groups work for the dispossession and genocide of native British

May Day Elections

The Jews have done such a good job in creating ethnic tranquility in places like Israel they are going to help out in Britain.

Maybe their slogan to attack the BNP, “Your Voice or Theirs” would be good to turn around and use for projects addressing the domination of Jews in the British media.

Many associate the term democratic with majority rule and some civil liberties, but the left refers to “democratic parties” as those who oppose the BNP and support Politically Correct anti free speech laws in much the same way they use the term “The Democratic Republic of …..” to imply something that isn’t is.

The Politically Correct also tend to label those who they don’t like as “extremists.” But those who are able to assemble the votes to be elected are not extremists since extremism is defined by having one’s views held by only a small percentage of the population:

New Bid to Target BNP Vote on May 1st

By Leon Symons and Dana Gloger

The Jewish Chronicle today gives its backing to a community-wide campaign to prevent the British National Party from winning seats in the May 1 local and London elections.

In London, there are particular fears that the BNP could achieve the five per cent threshold needed to give it its first seat in the London Assembly. It is believed the BNP will contest seats in 23 councils in all.

A number of communal groups are working together to diminish the BNP’s chances. The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the London Jewish Forum are campaigning under the slogan “Your Voice or Theirs” [see link]. The Board’s activities will concentrate on getting as many members of the Jewish community as possible out to vote…

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