
Jewish Extremists “Urge Restraint” in Federal Complaint Filing

The extremist Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), an umbrella organization representing more than 130 Jewish groups has adopted a motion which urges “restraint in the filing of federal complaints of anti-Semitism in education”—because it fears that Zionist crimes will be subjected to greater scrutiny.

According to a report in the Higher Education Chronicle in Washington D.C., the resolution, passed by the council’s members at their annual meeting, says “it is not in the Jewish community’s best interest” to invoke Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars discrimination in education based on race and national origin, “when it could lead to an environment in which legitimate debate about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is squelched and academic freedom is undermined.”

Earlier, the JCPA expressed “serious concern over the possibility that some Jewish groups and individuals may be inappropriately exploiting recent changes in the government’s interpretation of federal civil rights laws.”

 “In light of the debate that has arisen, we felt it would be helpful to offer some guidance on when Title VI should be used and when it shouldn’t be used,” said Gerald Greiman, co-chair of the JCPA’s Task Force on Jewish Security and the Bill of Rights, which helped draft the resolution. “We are really trying to drive a ship through some treacherous waters and be mindful of the hazards that lurk on both sides.”

What this actually means is that filing suit for alleged “anti-Semitism” under Title VI would lead to protracted court cases in which the lie that anti-Zionism is “automatically” anti-Semitism, would be thoroughly exposed.

Mindful of the public relations disaster that such an expose would create, the JCPA and its fellow Jewish Supremacist organizations have decided to urge caution.

In a separate development, the National Conference on Jewish Affairs has issued a statement that denounced any suggestion that Jews are more likely than others to file frivolous Title VI complaints as “resonant of historical and hysterical stereotypes about Jewish greediness, dishonesty, and power-hunger.”