A Hungarian member of Parliament has voiced worry over Israel’s expansionist policies, saying Israel is trying to take over the world.
“I’m a Hungarian nationalist. I love my homeland, love the Hungarians and give primacy to Hungarian interests over those of global capital – Jewish capital, if you like – which wants to devour the entire world, especially Hungary,” Oszkar Molnar said in a television interview.
Molnar’s comments come as there are reports of a mass Jewish exodus from Israel to Hungary, Haaretz reported.
As proof of his assertion that Israel is plotting to take over Hungary, Molnar claimed to have discovered that the language of instruction in Jerusalem’s ( al-Quds’) schools is Hungarian, and when asked why, students said they were “learning their future homeland’s language.”
Molnar’s party, Fidesz, has not condemned his remarks saying they “did not violate the party’s bylaws.”
According to the polls, Fidesz party is expected to take power when elections are held this spring.
Political Movements are rising across Europe which clearly recognize the Jewish-extremist, Global money power controlling the Federal Reserve, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and International Banks such as Goldman Sachs. Jewish money power in the United States recently stole over 2 trillion dollars with the gift of American taxpayer money to these corrupt international financial conglomerates, but the Jewish domination of the media has endeavored to downplay the Jewish control of the Fed, the IMF and the World Bank.
Israeli President: “We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland”