Human Diversity Politics

Following delusional Zionist policies is making starting a family unaffordable

Western Man’s future unless priorities are changed

Losing the American Dream

By James Buchanan EURO

A recent news article reports on a new phenomenon: “Toby Byrum decided to have a vasectomy to end his reproductive years. Unlike most of them, Byrum had his at the age of 28 while he is still single and childless. Two years later, the Web consultant from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, has no regrets… He’s not alone… (Doctors) around the country say that they are seeing a small but growing number of young men who are deciding to have vasectomies when they are young, all but insuring that they will never be able to have children of their own. ‘It’s kind of getting to be a departure from this society – a wife, a husband, have kids, live in the suburbs, – and instead is more, ‘Maybe we don’t want to have kids,’ ‘ Byrum said.”

One thing they don’t mention in the article is that the standard of living for the average White family keeps dropping and dropping and dropping. It used to be the case that a young White man in his 20s could buy a house in a nice neighborhood. Also, the husband could support the family with his salary and the wife had the luxury of being a full time mom if she wanted. Today many White people live in apartments even into their 30s and 40s, and many wind up raising families in apartments.

The skyrocketing cost of housing is due to the flood of Third World immigrants. The lack of job security is the result of a ruthless new “robber baron” capitalism in which corporate CEOs have zero loyalty to American workers and treasonous politicians allow jobs to be exported to the Third World by the millions.

The job market has never been less secure. You may spend four years in college only to find the jobs in your major have been outsourced. Some graduates from college have as much as $100,000 in debt just from their education.

Our multi-racial society has made family life more difficult for Whites every year. Most public schools are too dangerous or Latino-infested for White children. It gets more expensive every year to live in a “safe” neighborhood in a suburb of a big city. I am stunned that more Whites don’t come to the realization that huge swarms of Latinos, Blacks and other Third Worlders are making their lives worse in every way. If we could return to the 90% White nation that our grandparents enjoyed, the public schools would be safe again. Housing would become affordable again. And White people would no longer be last in line for jobs, promotions and college admission.

I’m not surprised that some people don’t want to start a family in these times. God bless the White people who do. It’s never been more of a challenge.

October 5th, 2007

Read more James Buchanan at
