
Zionist Wars Collapsing the Dollar & Raising Fuel Prices

Gas Prices Headed for Stratosphere, No Relief In Sight

By Jeff Davis EURO

A recent news article reports “The U.S. average price for a gallon of regular gasoline topped $4 for the first time, a survey issued on Sunday by the travel group AAA showed. AAA’s survey showed a national average price of $4.005 per gallon, up from $3.67 a month ago and $3.10 a year ago. Average national gasoline prices had stabilized last week before Thursday and Friday’s spike of U.S. crude oil futures by $16 to a record above $139 a barrel. Friday’s one-day gain of $10.75 for crude oil was the biggest daily gain in history, and Thursday’s gain was the second biggest. A year ago, U.S. crude was trading at $66 per barrel. Since then, a weakening dollar and the chances of violence in oil-producing nations such as Iran have pushed oil prices higher.”

You don’t suppose our lunatic warmonger president and his neocon cabal might be responsible for those “Chances of violence… in Iran”, do you? One major question that seems to puzzle White Nationalists is why have things gotten this bad without some kind of revolt on the part of White Americans? White people are often stuck with painfully long commutes in clogged freeways. White people make up the majority of truck drivers, who are paying over $5 per gallon for diesel. Back when the first oil embargo hit in the 1970s, there was a lot more backlash. People knew that Israel had played a large role in causing the oil embargo. A few people were driving around with bumper stickers that said “We Need Oil, Not Jews” [or worse].

Many White people have finally gotten it through their skulls that what goes on in Washington is important to their lives and that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and all their Zionist friends are responsible for the skyrocketing gas prices, which of course is true as far as it goes. But many people are still buying into democracy’s bill of goods, this idea that all we have to do is vote the present set of war criminals and sick, twisted bastards out, and vote in another politician who has been produced by the same System, and things will change.

This will not happen. Americans did have a somewhat unique opportunity to vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary. Dr. Paul would have made major changes assuming the two-party shills in Congress didn’t sabotage him at every turn. Unfortunately, Americans foolishly rejected Ron Paul, and now they’re going to be paying $4 or a lot more per gallon for the next eight years. Sometimes I feel democracy is like being the only sane person in a lifeboat surrounded by crazy people, and a majority of them think they can get rid of the puddle of water in the lifeboat, by drilling a hole through the bottom.

These deranged prices are only going to get worse, and they are forever, or at least as near forever as makes no difference to short American attention spans. I want to be around about a year from now and hear all these people scream and scream and scream, when they come to realize that their wretched little puissant vote has gotten them not one single penny’s reduction at the pumps. If people keep choosing System politicians, they will continue to be abused, mistreated and stepped on by the elite criminals, neocons and the Israeli Lobby which control the two-party system.
Read more articles by Jeff Davis at WhiteCivilRights.com
