Hunter Laptop Censorship Exposes “Russian Interference” LIES & Jewish Election Interference FACT
Politics Radio Show

Hunter Laptop Censorship Exposes “Russian Interference” LIES & Jewish Election Interference FACT

Aug 29  – Dr Duke & Stevenson Hunter Laptop Censorship Exposes “Russian Interference” LIES & Jewish Election Interference FACT!

Great Show Today. Wait till you try out the Google Searches for Jews and the Yandex Russian Search engine when you type into the search box for suggested searches for Jews. Can prove to anyone with a brain how the Jewish Media Moguls are brainwashing the world!
Also the Hunter Laptop proved that the Jewish media claiming it was fake Russian interference was completely a massive lie and they accompanied this lie by massive censorship and suppression by Jewish ruled broadcast and Internet/Social Media. There was never any massive Russian election interference but easily proven massive Jewish Election and Government Interference in America and in the effort to overturn the legally elected President of the United States!

Aug 26 – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Agree about Orwell’s 1984 but have friendly Debate on Animal Farm!

Aug 25 – Dr. Duke & Slattery – Without the Historic Sacrifice and Courage of the Russian People – the Ukrainian and Eastern and Southern European Europe People would not Exist!

The Kievan Rus (Russians) in today’s Russia, Belarus & Ukraine. Russia defended all the region from dozens of invasions. Without centuries of Russian sacrifice, Ukraine would not be a Christian nation today and more resemble the religion, culture & race of Turkey and close Asian regions.

Aug 23 – Wed – Duke & Slattery -Jewish Terrorists of Ukraine and JewSA Murder Russian Phd Philosopher!

Aug 24 – Wed – Duke & Slattery -The Hateful and Violent Racist Jewish Proxy War on White People!

Aug 22   – Mon – Paul Stevenson interview with Dr Duke: The Ukraine War is not for Ukraine, or Russia, or the USA or the EU It is a war for Jews!

Aug 19  – Fri – Dr Duke and Collett – Mainstream Admits we were 100% right opposing Covid lockdowns, Masks & Jab 2 years ago!

 Zio media and gov’t still blames Covid and Russia/Ukraine War for the the Jewish globalist economic and social devastation of the West! It was Jewish supremacy dictated lockdowns, masks and Jabs & Jewish sanctions that have caused this crisis!

Aug 18  – Thur – Dr David Duke – (Just You and Me Today) Daring to Expose the utter Hypocrisy of Jewish Racism and Supremacy!

Epstein’s and Maxwell’s Sex Trafficking Spy Ring’s Victims Reveal them to be hateful Jewish anti-Gentiles!

Aug 17  – Wed – Why Do We only Hear of the “Jewish Holocaust” & Not far worse Jewish-Committed Holocausts like the Holodomor?

Aug 16 – Tue – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – First they came for David Duke & Now they come for YOU!

Aug 15 – Mon – Why Jewish Elites Hate Trump, Hate Russia and Hate YOU! It all Fits like a Glove!

Aug 12 – Fri – Lives Matter Worldwide & Jewlensky and Jew Globalists Order mass Suicide of Ukraine White Patriots!

Aug 11 – Thur – Duke and Slattery -The Anti-Russian Jew Coup Against Trump & The Idiots Who tell us that Ukraine is Run by White Supremacists! No! It’s Jews Stupid!

Dr. Duke and Patrick Slattery expose the completely Jewish Jew Coup against Trump from top to bottom, Including the latest Jew, the Jew FEDERAL Judge who issued the warrant for Mara Lago. & a Recap of the lie that Ukraine is run by White supremacists. No it is not Nazis or White supremacists. It is totally a war of the Jewish Global Supremacy that hates Russia and for that matter all Europeans, including Ukrainians!

Aug 10  – Wed- Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – Zio Tyrants Threaten Nuclear Meltdown as Ukr JewLensky tries to blow up Nuke Reactor!

Plus Dr. Duke destroy’s Scott Ritter hallucination that Ukraine  and the war is run by Nazis rather the the Jewish Tyrants that totally rule the government, media and economy of Ukraine and actually the U.S. which is not Nazi or White Supremacist, but anti White, anti Russian, anti-Ukrainian and anti Europe! They that are happily sacrificing the Goyim of Ukraine to hurt their biggest global enemy, Russia! They have long hated Ukrainians which they call anti-Semitic Cossacks, as well as the Goyim of Russia and truly the interests of the entirety of Europe. The Media the Jewish controlled Government of the United States are not Nazis, they represent racist Jewish Supremacy! 

They are destroying the White people of America as they destroying the people of Ukraine and trying to destroy Russia as well.

Aug 9  – Tue – Dr Duke and Paul Stevenson – Two Epsteins – Robert & Jeffrey – Illustrate the greatest threat to Freedom in History!!

Aug 8  – Mon – Dr David Duke and Dr Slattery- The Jewish Globo Homo War Against All Humanity!

Aug 5 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Part 3 of Jewish-led Globo Homo War on Whites & All Mankind!

Aug 4 – Thur – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Part 2 Of Biological Jewish War Waged against White People and all Humanity!

Aug 3 – Wed – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – The Genocidal Biological Warfare Waged by Jewish Supremacy against White People!

Aug 2 – Tue – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Jewish Supremacy Wars against Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Russia! & Now China?

Aug 1 – Mon – Dr Duke & Stevenson – Jewish Media: Any Exposing of Crimes of Jews, J-Globalists & Israel is Anti-Semitic!

July 29 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – UK Blogger sanctioned: total Goldstein/Big Brother 1984- style Tyranny!

July 28 – THUR – Dr Duke & Stevenson of UK – Jerusalem Post Exposés Jewish Tyranny of Anti-Gentile Racial Hate and War!

July 27 – Wed – Dr Duke & Patrick Slattery – Russia Kicks out Jewish Agency & Why the Entire Jewish Global Establishment Hates Putin!

July 26 – Tue – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – What is the ONE Thing BANNON and BIDEN Have in Common? Total Subservience to Jewish Totalitarianism!

July 25 – Mon – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Jewish Totalitarian Supremacy over US & Global Media is the Single Greatest Threat to All Humanity

July 22 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Covid Vaxx & Lockdowns Drive far more Mutant Strains -repeat infections & Death than DOING NOTHING!

July 21 – Thur – Duke & Slattery – Russell Brand & The undeniable Jewish Global War against Russia in Ukraine!

July 20 – Wed- Duke & Slattery – Tucker Carlson Proves White Replacement Scheme – But Does not Mention the Jewish Cabal Behind It!

July 19 – Tue – Duke & Slattery – Who is Responsible for this War: Americans – Russians – Ukrainians or Dare we Say it: Jews?

July 18 – Mon – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – The 4-letter disparaging words F–k & S–t now pervades media, social media, but one 4-letter word (Jews) used negatively is totally banned – Why?

July 15 – Fri – Dr Duke and Mark Collett of UK – Biden in Israel Admits He is a Zionist (Jewish Nationalist Supremacist)! 

July 14 – Thur – Dr Duke & Stevenson – Millions more vile Homosexual Crimes Spread as Jewish pro Homo lies – brazens Homos and destroys young boys! 

July 12 – Tue – Dr Duke – How the Jewish Establishment Enables Homosexual Rape of Millions of young Boys!

July 11 – Mon – Duke/Slattery – Japan Killing of Abe & Understanding the Jewish Global Media Control of the Definitions of Fascist-Communist-Racist & even Sexual Reality!