Human Diversity



TRANSCRIPT and the Complete Video List, including Glenn Beck’s emotionally moving show


(Pre-commentary by Admin Staff:
Wade and Dale Rathke are the criminal founders and chief organizers of the criminal agency, ACORN.  According to WikiPedia:

This community organizing initiative in Arkansas eventually grew into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), the largest organization of lower income and working families in the United States, with 175,000 dues-paying families spread across about eighty-two staffed offices in American cities. The ACORN family of organizations includes radio stations (KNON and KABF), publications, housing development and ownership (ACORN Housing), and a variety of other supports for direct organizing and issue campaigns, such as Project Vote and the Living Wage Resource Center. ACORN International has recently opened staffed offices in Lima, Peru, and Toronto and Vancouver, Canada….

The New York Times reported on July 9, 2008, that Dale Rathke, the brother of ACORN’s founder Wade Rathke, was found to have embezzled $948,607.50 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations back in 1999 and 2000.[1] ACORN executives decided to handle it as an internal matter, and did not inform most of the board members or law enforcement, and instead signed an enforceable restitution agreement with the Rathke family to repay the amount of the embezzlement. Wade Rathke told the Times, “the decision to keep the matter secret was not made to protect his brother but because word of the embezzlement would have put a ‘weapon’ into the hands of enemies of Acorn, a liberal group that is a frequent target of conservatives who object to ACORN’s often strident advocacy on behalf of low- and moderate-income families and workers.” A whistleblower revealed the embezzlement in 2008. On June 2, 2008, Dale Rathke was dismissed, and Wade stepped down as ACORN’s chief organizer, but he remains chief organizer for Acorn International L.L.C.

A former official of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), who’s name is withheld, reported in an interview with me that ACORN had lost federal funding in the early 1970’s due to corrupt activities. I was told by this individual that ACORN “was as corrupt then as it is now–they have always been this corrupt.” It is important to point out ACORN’s beginnings were in Arkansas where Bill and Hillary Clinton resided. Wade Rathke,  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were all disciples of Saul Alinsky, Jewish author of “Rules for Radicals”. Obama taught at the University of Chicago (home of Leo Strauss and his NeoCons) and a photo was shot of Obama with the words ‘Power Analysis’ and ‘Relationships Built on Self Interest’ written on the blackboard. These were key terms used by Alinsky.  Alinsky played a major role in the creation of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society”, which resulted in the employment of 500,000 radical activist by 10,000 non-profit organizations, funded by taxpayers.  As one of those organizations, ACORN “was a direct off-shoot of [Alinsky’s] revolutionary agenda“.

Given that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer, it is not surprising ACORN’s level of corruption would involve the darkness of using children for sexual slavery.)

LAST WEEK (not 50 or 100 years ago), African Americans from ACORN [in Baltimore, MD] were willing to enable children to become slaves – SEX SLAVES! Yet Radicals (fueled by media, public education, professional race peddlers as well as clever and corrupt distribution of tax dollars), still use our slave past to abuse America….. Why are we stuck in America’s past while up to 60,000 humans a year are sold into slavery worldwide?   Each year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and held against their will as victims of human trafficking….


Each year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and held against their will as victims of human trafficking.

Some estimate the number is as high as 60,000 annually. These numbers do not include those who are here from previous years, migrants already in the US, runaways, displaced persons, and those from oppressed/marginalized groups and the poor. Combating human trafficking is a daunting task and emergency healthcare providers have a critical role to play.

Medical providers are a frontline of defense for victims – especially providers in an emergency department setting. Victims present here, often with their traffickers, and receive medical attention but not the further help they need to remove them from the environment that places their lives at risk daily. Emergency healthcare providers often miss the signs of human trafficking, mistake the signs for intimate partner violence, and are rarely aware of how to help. Instead victims are sent back “home” with their traffickers. This situation can change and it must.

Emergency care providers must identify these victims and provide the opportunity for appropriate treatment. This website contains information to give practitioners a basic introduction to what human trafficking is, the clinical presentation of such patients, and the unique treatment needs of this patient population. Click on the “Educational Tools” tab for helpful instruments in educating providers at your institution. Click on the “In the ED” tab if you suspect you are caring for a trafficked person.

1.The definition of human trafficking

2.The targets of human trafficking

3.Trafficker identities

4.Statistics (if any) in local area of trafficked persons

5.Laws (state & federal) to combat trafficking

6.What happens after identification

7.Police corruption

8.Standards of medical documentation

9.Standards of medical treatment

10.What do NGOs offer?

11.Human trafficking as a disease

12.Illustrative narratives

More at:

See also:  Jon Stewart on ACORN–THE AUDACITY OF HOS
Stewart blasts the Media for ‘dropping the ball’; all it took was two kids and a cell phone to crack ACORN.  That should be a message to the rest of us that WE can effect the changes needed in the world, rather than wait for corrupt systems to do it for us.
