
Help us fight the Infowar!

Help circulate and rate David Duke and EURO articles!

By James Buchanan EUROEvery day our writers try to put a pro-White perspective on the news. We see this as a long-term battle against an army of Jewish and liberal writers, who want to see the White race destroyed by race-mixing with Latinos and Blacks. The Jews and liberals get lucrative salaries for their anti-White editorial articles while the pro-White movement depends heavily on volunteers.

We can’t afford marketing and advertising so we’re pretty much depending on our readers to circulate our website address and articles. Some of our articles are deliberately written in a somewhat “race neutral” style in the hope that people will be more willing to e-mail them to friends or post these articles on conservative and libertarian websites.

One task that also needs help is the rating of websites on Internet browsers. One browser, called FireFox, has something called a “Web of Trust” rating for various websites. Unfortunately, organized Jews and leftists (many of whom are getting paid to “troll” around the Internet) have given negative ratings to pro-White and patriotic websites.

Anyone reading this article can download the FireFox software from here. The next step would be to download the WOT software and start rating websites. But before I tell you the website to get that download, there’s just one little thing to remember. You should rate the pro-White websites AFTER rating several dozen non-controversial websites.

The reason for doing this can be found in the “frequently asked questions” section on FireFox’s Web of Trust, which says “Can a site’s reputation be manipulated? In order to keep ratings more reliable, WOT tracks each user’s rating behavior before deciding how much it trusts the user. WOT applies sophisticated algorithms to detect and eliminate any manipulation of reputation. If a user bases their ratings on how pretty the site is or what’s the phase of the moon, her ratings won’t be trusted. You must prove yourself before we take you seriously. The system will ignore all ratings created by a user attempting to manipulate the reputation data.”

This means that if the first website you rate is a pro-White website, your vote won’t count. First, you need to demonstrate to FireFox that you are voting rationally. The best way to do this is to go to websites with good reputations like yahoo.com and cnn.com and give them good ratings so that the software sees you as a “rational” person.

If you rate 50 websites, you get a “bronze” reputation. It may be a good idea to get a bronze or higher reputation before rating a pro-White website so your vote carries extra weight.

Now that I’ve hopefully explained everything, the website for downloading FireFox’s Web of Trust software can be found here. Download the WOT software. Fill out their user profile thing with a throw-away e-mail address, and then restart Firefox.

Remember to rate several dozen non-controversial websites before rating a pro-White website. Take several days or even a week or two before you rate the first pro-White website. Also it takes time for a vote to be counted. Sometimes they only update the website’s rank once per week.

Bring up the website you want to rate and then click on the “WOT” doughnut-shaped symbol. You should move your mouse cursor arrow over the red-to-green rating chart for each category and then click all the way over in the most right portion of the green zone for each category to give a website a good rating.

Right now a few Jews and militant commies have given pro-White websites a bad reputation. It should be a fairly easy matter to turn the tables on them and to actually change how our website looks to anyone, who has this “Web of Trust” software installed. This may seem like a small matter, but we need to start taking our first steps toward being active. We need to post articles and url’s from pro-White websites on conservative blogs and we need to start being active at rating websites and not let a few Jews tell people which websites are good or bad.

To speed up the process of finding new websites to rank (which gets difficult after the first few dozen), there is a website that will randomly send you to a variety of websites here. Just right click on “Randomlink” and a new window with a randomly chosen website will appear. Click on the WOT symbol (the doughnut) next to the website address, then move the mouse arrow across each of the four categories clicking once in each category to rate that website. Click the “X” in the upper right corner to close. Each rating is recorded as you click it. It takes a day or two for WOT to update your activity rating. If you find any good conservative or right wing websites using Randomlink, it would be good to post our website address in their blog.

One additional thing about rating a website is that you can change your vote later. With that in mind, we may want to GRADUALLY increase the rating for a pro-White website. The WOT “hacker detection” software goes off if you give a radically different rating from that website’s existing rating. Obviously we want to give a maximum green rating, but that will caused our votes to be thrown out. It’s probably a much better tactic to give a pro-White website a ten or twenty percent better rating than its current rating. Then, a week later, after the rating has hopefully improved, we can change our votes and go ten or twenty percent above the new average.
Read more articles by James Buchanan at WhiteCivilRights.com
