Radio Show

Hear Dr. David Duke on Israel’s Nuremberg laws

Now available on the Rense Radio Network archive: Hear Dr. David Duke have a ground-breaking show again with proof of the chief rabbi of Israel demanding Nuremberg-style racial laws in Israel.


Israel has the strictest laws of any nation on Earth regarding a racial basis of immigration and a racial basis of marriage. All the while Israel condemns any other nation that desires to preserve their heritage.

Learn the truth in this incredible broadcast.

Also joining Dr. Duke is Don Advo, a brilliant attorney from California who shows how America’s immigration policy is led by Jews as a tool to ensure their own supremacy and exploitation of the people of the United States! A powerful fundamental program today!

Click here and look for the show dated 12-12-14.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern time.

You can also hear the live stream by calling 712-432- 7855 on your cell or home phone (US) or Skype (US and international).