
Happy Birthday! Dr. David Duke

July 1, 2011. We the Volunteer Staff of DavidDuke.com and millions of well-wishers all over the world wish to say Happy Birthday to a true hero of our time: Dr. David Duke. He has not only only been the world’s most effective communicator for the Heritage and Freedom of our people, he has through his political accomplishments shown us that victory is possible, even against the greatest of odds. His books are an incredible foundation for our principles and his courage and tenacity have been an inspiration to all of us. His ever-youthfulness, health, vigor, energy, unselfishness, dedication and positive outlook is an example and an inspiration to all of us. Happy Birthday Dr. David Duke.

Thousands of people have written or called us asking how best to honor him on his birthday. A few of us got together and asked him what we could personally give him for a birthday present. He says that he has all that he requires in his personal life, but that those who would like to send a gift —  the best gift would be to give a gift toward his incredibly important work which is the most important thing in his life: the monumental effort for the preservation and freedom of our people. (you can do so here!)

We urge all of Dr. Duke’s friends and followers around the world to watch the independent video conversation of Dr. Duke and Knud Eriksen of Denmark. One can really get a sense of the deep goodness and greatness in him and the honor it is for we staff members and all of you to aid him in his struggle for our people, and truly — the rights of all people in this world to their heritage and freedom. —Duke Staff