
Dr. David Duke: “The Times that Try Men’s Souls” – Emergency Letter!

A Sincere Call to every True Friend for Help! Please Read!

Listen to my live radio show today at 11 Eastern Time USA or on archive in which I discuss these vital issues.

After a series of devastating defeats, the fledgling American Revolution stood at the brink of annihilation. Thomas Paine, in the winter of 1776 wrote “The Crisis,” a rousing call for freedom that rallied every true patriot.

davidduuke-blizter1-300x213In recent days, my work has been stifled by a series of legal and other expenses due to relentless Zionist efforts against me, that threaten to imprison me, to ban me, and block the very essence of my work. Ironically, this financial crisis comes at a time when we are coming closer to an incredible breakthrough.

I am aiding a number of patriotic parties who have a real chance to win upcoming elections. There is a real opportunity for at least one nation to break free of Zio-Globalism and become a driving force for the liberation of all Europe and America.

Here is an inspiring quote from Thomas Paine, and then follows my personal letter to you:

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph…”

Dear Friend,

I have to lay it all on the line to you.

You are reading this letter because you have visited my website, read my articles, watched my videos, seen my debates or appearances, or listen to my daily radio show. you are receiving this because you have been a friend.

It has taken tireless work, and many personal sacrifices to create my work that you so appreciate.

I offer all these  works of mine as gifts for you, free, with no charge at all. I want you to be intellectually stimulated and fascinated, so much so that you can learn and hopefully be inspired by my work. And in turn I pray that you will help awaken those around you and the world at large.

But, I must at this critical moment sincerely ask something in return from you because…

Your own dedication, sense of honor and generosity will determine whether my work succeeds or not.

Whether it continues to grow or whether it withers under the relentless assaults of the Zionists is completely up to you. If you who care about our freedom and heritage and those like you don’t act, my work cannot continue, much less succeed.

As I have told you in recent months, the Zionists, using their political influence have placed me under relentless legal assault. I have been imprisoned, banned in some nations and harassed for simply daring to speak the truth and because I am inspiring the rising, anti-Zionist political movements in Europe and around the world.

The point is that my work is beginning to have a dramatic effect in the politics of many nations of Europe. There is a real chance for a immense political breakthrough in a number of nations. A number of patriotic parties are on the verge of becoming the ruling parties.

The Zionists want me imprisoned, and failing that, they want my voice to be silenced in these critical nations.

It is my belief that the greatest opportunity for real political victories lies among the many different nations of Europe. If just one nation breaks free of the Zio-globalist power, I think there will be a domino effect that will not only cause this revolutionary movement to spread to other nations in Europe. and even have an enormous effect on America as well.

If just one nation breaks free, we all can soon be free!

Although we are starting to make inroads in politics in Western and the former Soviet Bloc of Eastern Europe, the key reins of governmental power are held by the Zio-Globalists and the Jewish extremists still exert powerful influence in almost every nation. They are determined to stop my vital work.

This is especially true right now. I am working with a number of important political parties and people in Europe, and the Zio powers don’t want my political expertise to help them in their campaigns to awaken the people. By the way, most of these leaders have read My Awakening and follow my articles and videos just as you do.

I am in the midst a fighting on a number of legal fronts, and these legal fees and the expense of this work have completely exhausted all of our funds.

My office and my work is at a point of crisis.

zionist-conspiracy-cover-sm4And So I need your support.

My new book, The Zionist Conspiracy is almost completed, but at this moment I have no funds for its printing.  Those who have reviewed parts of the book say that it will be the most readable, powerful, and convincing book on the Jewish Question ever written. I will send you sections of the books in a few short days.

As you must know, funding my important work is a never-ending problem. We have no financiers or mega-rich Zio backer, and thank God for that.

I only have dedicated, principled and unselfish individuals such as yourself.

Certainly there are people who have learned from and appreciate my work who could give a gift of even 10 or 25 thousand to this work without hurting their lifestyle. You might be among those who could give a thousand.

Most people reading this could surely give a 100 dollars or a smaller amount.

The point is that right now, this instant I really need your support, and I sincerely ask for your help because honestly, I know my work deserves your help. Your help is deserved because this work has been perhaps the clearest, most uncompromising voice on Earth for the critical issues that we face, that you, your family, your people face.

Thank you so much in advance for your support!

Please take a moment to give a gift, because we sincerely and urgently need your help.

As in the words of Thomas Paine, “Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered.”


Dr. David Duke

Please follow this link to make your much needed gift.