
Following in Arizona's Footsteps

by Jeff Davis. A number of states and local authorities around the country are trying to emulate Arizona and enforce the immigration laws that the Democrats in Washington are ignoring.

An article from KPTM-TV in Nebraska reports: “Close to 150 people rallied against a proposed illegal immigration ordinance in Fremont [Nebraska] Tuesday night. The vote, scheduled for a special election Monday, has already drawn a heavy, early voting turnout, according to Dodge County election officials. Valeria Marquez, 17, says the ordinance is racist.’We don’t want division, especially towards Mexican and Hispanics where there has been a lot more racism,’ she told FOX 42. Others voiced concern the ordinance will end up costing the city countless dollars in court fees.”

How nice of the illegals to be so concerned about American taxpayers, in view of the fact that they pay extremely little to nothing in taxes themselves.

Now that’s always rich when liberals try to make the claim that deporting illegals will cost the government money. Illegal Aliens have driven California from being one of the most prosperous states in the US to the brink of bankruptcy. It costs a fortune just to educate illegal alien children. To put four children through 12 years of public school education in L.A. now costs close to a million dollars.

KPTM goes on: “Language in the ordinance would require renters in Fremont to obtain an occupancy license from the city. During that process, an applicant’s immigration status would be checked. It would also require employers in Fremont to double–check their employees through the federal, E–Verify database. Although people at Barnard Park (the Mexican neighborhood, no doubt) were vehemently opposed to the proposal, elsewhere in town it’s a far different story. Andy Schnatz, one of the original supporters of the petition–driven ordinance, says it is long overdue. ‘If the government doesn’t want to do anything, it’s up to the state, and if they don’t, it’s up to the city,’ says Schnatz. Two years ago, the Fremont City Council voted down a similar ordinance. The vote was close, and a number of people who spoke to FOX 42 off–camera say it should’ve passed. Schnatz says the motive behind the current proposal has nothing to do with racism, but is instead focused on making sure immigrants are legal. ‘How is that being racist?’ he asks.”

The people of this town in Nebraska aren’t interested in legal technicalities. What they want is for their town to remain part of America and not become a Third World slum. The very core of the illegal immigration issue is racial as in whose land is this?

So far White people are still resisting the use of racial terms, but when you come down to reality, most Whites don’t care if the police “racially profile” Latinos and check their paperwork. Many White people would like to see all the Mexicans deported, legal or not. Three generations ago, 99 percent of these Mexicans were NOT in the US and very few came here legally. The indigenous people of California and Arizona were Indians, not Mexicans, and we gave the Indians reservations. The Mexicans are not “reconquering;” they are invading.