
Eric Margolis analyzes America's disasterous MidEast Policies

America Fumbles the Ball

When it meddles in the Muslim world, the United States can be counted upon to blow it

By Eric Margolis

America has done many great things around the globe, like rebuilding post-war Europe and driving international economic growth. But when it comes to the Muslim world, almost everything the U.S. touches turns to ashes.

Washington’s record of picking compliant foreign leaders has been particularly awful.

In 1969, the CIA put a young officer, Muammar Kadaffi, into power in Libya. Next, the Langley boys helped a promising young Iraqi “asset” named Saddam Hussein, seize power. They courted Osama bin Laden and Taliban to use against Iran.

In Lebanon, CIA put a bunch of corrupt, anti-Syrian Lebanese businessmen and warlords into power who woefully neglected their people’s needs. As a result, the anti-U.S. Hezbullah, which ably runs hospitals, schools, pensions, and civil society, become Lebanon’s real government.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-installed Maliki and Karzai regimes have zero public support. Both face civil wars and national resistance, and are branded “U.S. stooges.” Ditto the new U.S. and Ethiopian-installed puppet regime in Somalia.

Washington’s political alchemists are now working their latest magic in the Palestinian Territories, a giant, open-air prison camp surrounded by Israeli security forces.

Having gotten rid of Fatah founder Yasser Arafat, who refused to condone U.S.-Israeli plans to parcel up his nation, Washington installed Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian leader. The compliant Abbas is lauded in the west as a “moderate” — our code word for obedient Arab leaders.

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