Patrick Ryan
Dr. Duke and Talkshow Host Patrick Ryan Tell the Truth About Palestine and Jewish Supremacy that Commits War Crimes.

Truth is that the Jewish Globalist Supremacists want to make us all like the Palestinians with rocks and slingshots against tanks and drones and weapons of mass destruction.
Check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee acounts. Here are a couple of recent videos: Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson ( ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America (
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Click here and look for the show dated 5-14-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line.