Radio Show

Dr. Duke Goes Deep into the Economic, Political and Media Mechanism of Jewish Oligarchy in America!

Dr. Duke Goes Deep into the Economic, Political and Media Mechanism of Jewish Oligarchy in America!

Today Dr. Duke talked about the Jewish control over the Federal Reserve Board. He noted that Donald Trump has stated that he would get rid of Janet Yellen as Fed Chairman. This is yet another reason for the Jewish establishment’s dead-set opposition to Trump’s candidacy. Dr. Slattery pointed out that Yellen’s term as Fed Chairman will last until February 2018 (she remains on the Board of Governors till 2024), and Fed officials cannot be dismissed by the president merely for policy disagreements. While it is highly likely that Yellen and other Fed leaders have engaged in improper and illegal activities, without audits there is no way for these activities to be revealed, and thus no grounds for dismissal.


They also talked about the fallout from the New York Primary. On the Democrat side, Bernie Sanders suffered a large setback. Dr. Slattery pointed out that he has attracted many people into the political process who support Sanders because they mistakenly feel he is the candidate to halt our out of control wars and take on the Wall Street crooks, and said that many of them could be attracted to Trump in a general election campaign where Trump’s positions would be better understood.

This is another show full of great information that you won’t get elsewhere. Please share it widely.

Click here and look for the show dated 4-20-16.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern.

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