Radio Show

Dr. Duke explains the hollow definition of “anti-Semitism” and how the term is used to oppress us.

Dr. David Duke today revisits his incredibly powerful, further updated article: Are You an “Anti-Semite?” If You Repeat What Jewish Elite Says — You Are One!

He goes through what the ADL and Jewish pollsters say are “Anti-Semitic canards” and shows that the leading Jewish authorities confirm every one of the so-called myths!

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This is an incredible show that should be made into thousands of videos and shared to every person on the Planet, beginning with those people whom you love and care about.

We all must awaken to the real truths of the world!

Every one of us, our families and loved ones, must confront the world’s greatest problem, that of Zio Globalism and Jewish tribalist supremacism that leads us all to war, hate, degradation and destruction.

Don’t forget to go to and make a gift toward this vital work, and remember to leave a great legacy by including support for our work in your will or bequest!

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Click here and look for the show dated 01-19-15.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern time.