Jan 12 – Wed – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery — The latest on the Jewish Covid Con & Tucker forces Cruz to destroy FBI lies about Jan 6

Jan 11 – Tue – Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock on the moronic Omicron Coronavirus – As deadly the common cold! But far less deadly than the Vaxx! & Doctors stopped from curing Whites!

Jan 10 – Mon – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – The wisdom of Solzhenitsyn & why he is so vital to understanding the JQ !

Jan 7 – Dr Duke & Mark Collet of UK on Corrupt Zio influence over UK Gov & Exposing more Kosher Covid Lies!
Jan 6 – Dr Duke & Paul Stevenson of UK blast Shabbos goy Biden’s Jan 6 Insurrection Day Big Lies! PLUS last 2 Shows!
Jan 5 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Leibowitz (Jon Stewart) “You own Nothing, Goyim!” & Jew Stereotypes are True! Silicon CEO fired for saying the vax is Jewish led genocide! !
Jan 4 – Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock prove that “Covid” lies and panic are being used by the Jewish global elite to do the evil Great Reset !
Jan 3 – Dr Duke & Patrick Slattery totally destroy the Jweish Covid Con Job!
Dec 31 – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Goodbye 2021! Goodluck in 2022 in the Deepening Zionist Dictatorship! & Gislaine Found Guilty but Not a Word that She, Her Father, Epstein – All Jewish Mossad Agents!
Dec 28 – Dr Duke and Andy Hitchcock! – The millions of American & worldwide deaths from Global Jewish Drug Lords like the Sassoons, Sacklers and Zio Big Pharma!
Dec 27 Dr Duke and anti-Communist American of Chinese Descent Talks about Why the Jewish Global Cabal Hates Russia, China, the European People & All Humanity!
Dec 24 – Fri Christmas Eve – Dr Duke and Mark Collett – Wish You All a Very Merry White Christmas!
Dec 23 – Thur – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – Why Christmas IS the most important celebration of Western Mankind!
Dec 22 – Wed – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – a deep dive into psychopathic Jewish Wars and their war against Human Rights!
Dec 21 – Tue – Dr Duke and Mark Dankof – Urgent call to stop the Jewish-planned fratricidal war between Ukraine and Russia!
Dec 20 – Mon -Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Shabbos Goy Biden Threatens anti-Vaxx Purebloods with Gulag & Death! & War with Russia? World War Three?
Dec 17 Fri -Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Exposing the vicious anti-White racist injustice in all Western Nations!–
Dec 16 Wed – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Jewish journalist quotes Trump: “Israel wants to fight Iran to the last American Soldier.”!
Wed Dec 15 – White Birthrates across the world plummet as Jews celebrate our destruction. Happy Hanukkah goyim!
Tue Dec 14 – Dr Duke & Hitchcock of UK exposing the ultra hypocrisy of the Jewish tyrants who rule the media, politics and Banks of the West!
Monday Dec 13 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery scientifically show that so-called Covid vaccines actually make kids at least 600 percent more likely to die – than the disease!
Friday Dec 10 – Dr David Duke & Mark Collett discuss the technocratic Bolshevik Style Tyranny gripping the West – and How to FIGHT BACK!
Thur Dec 9 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Christmas, Hanukkah, Jewish Covid Cons & the Point of No-Returns!
Wed Dec 8 – The Jewish Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Replaced it with Jewish Hate! & The Jewish Epstein Mossad Spy Ring!
Tue Dec 7- Andy Hitchcock & Mark Dankof Jewish Wars Brewing and Covid Tyranny- Great Show on Jewish War Against the West
Mon Dec 6 Dr Duke And Slattery – Jews go in Beast Mode ultimate Tyranny is Coming !
Dr. Duke reveals the Forbes financial magazine in its Israel edition boasting of the Jewish domination of the economies of the EU, Britain and of course, the some time soon to be renamed Jewnited States of America. With their government, media and economic control they have demonized the people who created America and now use the U.S. Government as an agent to destroy every European nation as well as the very people and heritage that built America. The article reveals that although Jews are only .2 percent (1/5 of 1%) of the world’s population, yet they are 11.6 percent of the world’s billionaires. Although Jews are a staggeringly disproportionate 11.6 percent of billionaires, they own 15 percent of the world’s entire wealth. The cover of the article features Jewish Billionaire Lauder who is also head of the World Jewish Congress which is a global organization dedicated to “Jewish interests” the Jewish State of Israel.
It has used totally unnecessary lockdowns of the economy to steal trillions of dollars from the middle class to the richest one percent of America’s ( which is disproportionately Jewish) 1 percent of the which which has transformed the Jewish supremacy in media and Banking and Politics into the greatest crime in history. The Jewish elites in the Covid Con caused more people to die than did in the Jewish-communist mass murders and genocide of the Soviet Union, and even the millions of deaths they in their illegal and legal drug empires like the Sacklers or even the millions of Opium deaths they cause by the Jewish Sassoons when Britain controlled China
Now they are using their Covid Con to steal, notice I didn’t say transfer, the wealth of the world into their greedy, corrupt, evil hands. More on this in Tuesday’s show as well !
Here also is a link of Mark Collett’s latest video at Odysee with a recording of an interview he did with a leading publication that exposes their deceptions. It is very powerful. https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20211015—Interview-with-a-Times-Journalist:b Note from staff: Trump on CNN’s Larry King Show in 1991 discussed David Duke getting 55 percent of the White vote. Trump said David Duke is going to get a lot of votes if he runs for President! He knew then that Duke’s platform was a a winning platform. Trump great failing is not to take on the Jewish power structure. He could have educated the world on the greatest threat to White people and all people in the world: Jewish Globalism. Trump has to know his destroyers who impeached him and savaged him and had a Jew D’ tat takeover of the government were completely led by the Jewish media and Jewish members of Congress such as Schiff, Nadler, Engel as well as Schumer in the Senate and every part of impeachment was Jews. But he keeps giving them lip service which is exactly the wrong thing to do. We cannot defeat these destroyers unless we educate the people who the real supremacist and ultimate racists are : the Jewish supremacists who are leading America and the world to disaster! here’s some links”
Have you subscribed to Dr. Duke’s Gab channel? If you haven’t, you really should. Also, he has a telegram channel. Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee acounts. Here are a couple of recent videos: Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson (odysee.com) ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America (odysee.com) Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:
P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 Thank you.
Click here and look for the show dated 9-30-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line.
Christian Christmas is Replaced with Jewish Hate! & The Greatest Jewish Media Coverup in history: The Totally Jewish Epstein Mossad, Sex Trafficking Spy Ring!
Tue Nov 30 – Duke and Andy Hitchcock – Great Show on Jewish War Against the West
Mon Nov 29 Dr Duke – Traitor NeoCon Scum Say that 3 White Men Getting Life for Self-Defense Proves “USA is NOT Racist! NO! It’s Racist – Against Whites!
Dr. Duke reveals the Forbes financial magazine in its Israel edition boasting of the Jewish domination of the economies of the EU, Britain and of course, the some time soon to be renamed Jewnited States of America. With their government, media and economic control they have demonized the people who created America and now use the U.S. Government as an agent to destroy every European nation as well as the very people and heritage that built America. The article reveals that although Jews are only .2 percent (1/5 of 1%) of the world’s population, yet they are 11.6 percent of the world’s billionaires. Although Jews are a staggeringly disproportionate 11.6 percent of billionaires, they own 15 percent of the world’s entire wealth. The cover of the article features Jewish Billionaire Lauder who is also head of the World Jewish Congress which is a global organization dedicated to “Jewish interests” the Jewish State of Israel.
It has used totally unnecessary lockdowns of the economy to steal trillions of dollars from the middle class to the richest one percent of America’s ( which is disproportionately Jewish) 1 percent of the which which has transformed the Jewish supremacy in media and Banking and Politics into the greatest crime in history. The Jewish elites in the Covid Con caused more people to die than did in the Jewish-communist mass murders and genocide of the Soviet Union, and even the millions of deaths they in their illegal and legal drug empires like the Sacklers or even the millions of Opium deaths they cause by the Jewish Sassoons when Britain controlled China
Now they are using their Covid Con to steal, notice I didn’t say transfer, the wealth of the world into their greedy, corrupt, evil hands. More on this in Tuesday’s show as well !
Here also is a link of Mark Collett’s latest video at Odysee with a recording of an interview he did with a leading publication that exposes their deceptions. It is very powerful. https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/20211015—Interview-with-a-Times-Journalist:b Note from staff: Trump on CNN’s Larry King Show in 1991 discussed David Duke getting 55 percent of the White vote. Trump said David Duke is going to get a lot of votes if he runs for President! He knew then that Duke’s platform was a a winning platform. Trump great failing is not to take on the Jewish power structure. He could have educated the world on the greatest threat to White people and all people in the world: Jewish Globalism. Trump has to know his destroyers who impeached him and savaged him and had a Jew D’ tat takeover of the government were completely led by the Jewish media and Jewish members of Congress such as Schiff, Nadler, Engel as well as Schumer in the Senate and every part of impeachment was Jews. But he keeps giving them lip service which is exactly the wrong thing to do. We cannot defeat these destroyers unless we educate the people who the real supremacist and ultimate racists are : the Jewish supremacists who are leading America and the world to disaster! here’s some links”
Have you subscribed to Dr. Duke’s Gab channel? If you haven’t, you really should. Also, he has a telegram channel. Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee accounts. Here are a couple of recent videos: Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson (odysee.com) ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America (odysee.com) Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:
P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 Thank you.
Click here and look for the show dated 9-30-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-