Mon Jan 9 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – New Book: Wizards: David Duke and the Rise of the Far Right!
Anti-David Duke book that shows his impact on the GOP and American Politics!
Fri Jan 6 – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Why Anti-Semitism is actually anti-Hate, anti-Supremacism and anti-ultra-racism!
“The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature. Jews can ask nothing of them until the Jews themselves bring correction to the world. They hate Israel until Israel corrects them.
If Israel does not unite and become a role model to make all the nations of the world rise up against their egoism, that is, against the hatred among them, then the nations of the world will unite and rise up against the people of Israel. One of two.” From Times of Israel Jan 22 2022.
Wed Jan 5 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – When Jews Lost Control in Soviet Russia They Pivoted to Blatant Jewish Zionism & Ultra-Capitalist Criminal Jewish Supremacy and Goy Replacement!
“The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature. Jews can ask nothing of them until the Jews themselves bring correction to the world. They hate Israel until Israel corrects them.
If Israel does not unite and become a role model to make all the nations of the world rise up against their egoism, that is, against the hatred among them, then the nations of the world will unite and rise up against the people of Israel. One of two.” From Times of Israel Jan 22 2022.
Wed Jan 4 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Delve Deep into 120 Years of History of Russia, Communism, Oligarchs, Ukraine War & the Vital Jewish Role in All of It!
Dr. Duke – 123 Years of Jewish War Against Russia!
The War against the Russian People & The Czar
The Jewish Communist Takeover of Russia and the murder of the Czar and all his family
The Jewish murder of tens of millions of Russians and other White Christians Across Russia, Ukraine and then half of Europe in WWII
The the true Russian revolution of deposing of the Jewish tyrants of Communism
The Jewish subversion of Russia and the Jewish Oligarch Capitalists’ Globalist takeover of Russia again in the 1990s
The retaking of Russia by Putin and Russian Nationalists and Christians against the Oligarchs starting in 2000.
The Globalist Jewish War on Russia and the Rus of Ukraine in the Jewish-led Ukraine War.
“The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature. Jews can ask nothing of them until the Jews themselves bring correction to the world. They hate Israel until Israel corrects them.
If Israel does not unite and become a role model to make all the nations of the world rise up against their egoism, that is, against the hatred among them, then the nations of the world will unite and rise up against the people of Israel. One of two.” From Times of Israel Jan 22 2022.
Tue Jan 3 – Biggest Zionist Website in World Makes Hateful “Blood Libel” that Anti-Semitism is in the Genes of all Gentiles on Earth!
Dr Duke – Times of Israel makes racist hateful allegation that Gentiles on Earth are literally, from their genes, born to be anti-Semites! But there is no blowback from the Jewish mainstream media which, of course, relentlessly covers up Jewish Supremacy, Jewish Hate and Jewish Racism against non-Jews in the same way they coverup their absolute supremacy of the biggest media conglomerates of the world. They say these things for fellow Jews to know but kept from Goyim so they don’t see the truth of the world’s most hateful racist supremacism:
“The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature. Jews can ask nothing of them until the Jews themselves bring correction to the world. They hate Israel until Israel corrects them.
If Israel does not unite and become a role model to make all the nations of the world rise up against their egoism, that is, against the hatred among them, then the nations of the world will unite and rise up against the people of Israel. One of two.” From Times of Israel Jan 22 2022.
Mon Jan 2 – We Begin the Year by Exposing the greatest threat to Mankind: Jewish Racism & Supremacism: Why Every Human Rights Advocate must Oppose Jewish Racist Semitism! Anti-Semitism is nothing more than opposition to most dangerous form of racism in all of world history!
It is not “hate” to expose Jewish supremacy threat all Mankind!
Fri Dec 30 – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – The Sci-Fi like reality of the global tyrannical racist Jewish mind-control at the start of 2023!
The Hive Mind written about in 1940s Science Fiction is now happening vis-a-vis almost total Jewish rule over Media, Movies, Internet, and social media
Thur Dec 29 – The Jewish Created Hive Mind Threat to Humanity – Part 2
The Hive Mind written about in 1940s Science Fiction is now happening vis-a-vis almost total Jewish rule over Media, Movies, Internet, and social media
Wed Dec 28 – Jewish Globalism: The Truth – One Race to Rule Them ALL
The Hive Mind written about in 1940s Science Fiction is now happening vis-a-vis almost total Jewish rule over Media, Movies, Internet, and social media
Tue Dec 27 – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery -All about the Media Power that Creates a Globalist Hive Mind and the Jewish Queen Bee Who Rules it!
The Hive Mind written about in 1940s Science Fiction is now happening vis-a-vis almost total Jewish rule over Media, Movies, Internet, and social media
Mon Dec 26 – Sad! The Last Day this Year that Jews Celebrate the Racial Massacre of Jews and Goyim for Race-Mixing — Called Hanukkah!
You can’t make it up folks. Jewish Supremacy Rules in America where Christian Symbols of the Birth of Christ are Banned by Law! While Giant Menorahs Celebrating Jewish Mass Murder for Jewish Purity are Permitted on every piece of Public Ground !
Fri Dec 23&24 – Dr Duke and Mark Collett – Special Christmas Show – How the Difference Between the Love in Christmas and the Hate and Murder in Hanukkah reveals the Polar Difference between Jew and Christian & Duke’s Audio Christmas Card to You!
fantastic show today with great reverence for both our traditions of Christian Christmas as well as the Early European roots of much of Christmas traditions. It also has some current issues as well including the total Jewishness of Bankman Fried and The Jewish Privilege of those who steal from and wreck countless lives!
Thur Dec 22 – Duke & Slattery – Cui bono? American Traitors to Jewish Globalist Tyrants Cheer the Worst Mass Murder of Ukrainians Since the Jewish Bolshevik Holodomor! Sickening Levels of Treason by the Jewish Overlords and their Goyim Slaves and Collaborators!
Almost all the American gov’t cheers the criminal dictator-mass murderer of the Ukrainian People and the latest symbol of the same Jewish Globalists that are opening our borders & genociding the European-American People!
Tue Dec 21 – Duke & Slattery – Cui bono? Cicero said how to know the real criminals! In whose interest is the Ukraine War? – Not Ukrainians, Not Russians, Not Europeans And not Americans – But Jews who have political and media supremacy in the USA, EU & Ukraine who provoked this war against the true interests of every people on Earth except Globalist Racist Jews!
The same NeoCon Jews and other traitor collaborators who lies us into the Iraq War, have lied us into a war that is against the interests of 99.8 percent of the world’s population in favor of 1/5 of 1 percent who seek the age-old dream of global tyranny!
Tue Dec 20 – Dr Duke Paul Stevenson – Recognizing the Shocking Stark Reality of Jewish Supremacy for Us and the World!
It is said that “truth is stranger than fiction.” It is true in regard to the stark reality of Jewish supremacy over the globalist movement, more than half of the world’s governments, and over a global media that distorts to some degree the perceived realities effects almost every human mind on Earth!
Mon Dec 19 – Duke & Slattery – the Canary in the Media Mine! The Hunter Biden Laptop Lie. Russian Interference was a proven Lie. The Coverup was Criminal Interference by the Jews-Media Blocking the Story!
All the biggest Jewish media like the NY Times, claimed the Hunter laptop was Russian campaign Interference and disinformation! It was a double lie! It wasn’t Russian campaign interference, it was Jewish Media Criminal Interference of a Presidential Election! The most blatant fact of American democracy is Jewish media and money that makes a fair election impossible!
Fri Dec 16 – Dr Duke and Mark Collett show Russian Nat’l TV news of officers in Ukraine Condemning Globo-homo’s LGBTQ Evil!
This is Jewish War against Russia, Ukraine, Europe, America & non-Jews
Watch this Video on my Odysee!
Watch This short VIDEO of Russian Commander on Russian TV News!
Every American, Every European, Every decent and healthy person who loves family, heritage, morality. Needs to watch this tape of a Russian commander speaking his heart to his brave men. If any of you are confused about this war.
LISTEN to his words!
They are exactly the opposite of the words by the American Gov’t the EU the NATO nation’s governments.
if an American said these things to his new transgendered, gay and lesbian troops of America. He would be court marshalled and imprisoned for hate crimes! Same thing in UK or Germany!
Think about one more fact. I*n Russia they have a law that no teacher can promote homosexuality or transgenderism or trannies or cutting off their sexual organs to their children.*
Think about it.
If you tell a child that homosexuality is good and wonderful and beautiful, and special, does that not make the child more vulnerable to the homo pedophiles who homo-sexually rape and assault one in every six boys in the America and “Western nations?
Look at the website called 1 in 6 by top medical doctors and researchers showing the mass evil being done to our children!
Everything they tell you about this war is a lie.
Russia didn’t start the war or start the killing Ukrainians!
The anti-Ukrainian anti-Russian Jewish tyrants of Ukraine started massive attacks and shelling of thousands of Ukrainian men, women and children. Because they didn’t want to live under an anti-Christian, Jewish dictatorship not loyal to Ukraine but loyal to the Jews who rule the American gov’t and the EU and the Globalism that is the greatest threat to Europeans and all humanity!
The Eastern Ukrainians did not stop the war, they just voted to rule themselves just like America did in the Declaration of Independence. They did not try to take over all of Ukraine or attack Western Ukraine!
13,000 died, mostly civilians died from the murderous Jewish Regime and the murderous Jewish government of the United States and the Globalist Jews who have supremacy over most of the governments of the West!
This is not a Russian War against Ukraine. This is Jewish Globalist War against Ukraine, Russia, Europe, America that seeks total Jewish hegemony over the World!
The Jewish controlled media and establishment is at war against the family, Christianity, free speech, tradition, and is dedicated to destroying the European population of every Western nation. They are not good for Europeans and we have seen what the Zionist, Oligarch Capitalist Elite has done to the rest of the world as well.
They want to make us in Europe, Russia, America like the Palestinians in Israel outnumbered and helpless to secure their own freedom and existence in their own land.
Watch this video and understand what is happening in this evil Jewish created war in Ukraine. It is not for Ukraine, it is destroying Ukraine. It is for Jewish Supremacy and for the destruction of the Christian European people in every nation in which we live!
God Bless You ALL — David Duke
Thur Dec 15 – David Duke Proves the Paramount Jewish Role in USA Wars From Viet Nam to Iraq & Ukraine – At the Cost of our Trillions of Bucks & Millions of Lives!
This is Jewish War against Russia, Ukraine, Europe, America & non-Jews
Tue Dec 13 – Jews Who are 6 of the 7 top Cabinet Posts – Call a WH Event Run by Jews Who Scream “Anti-Semitic” at Anyone Who Exposes Jewish Political & Media Supremacy and Power!
This is Jewish War against Russia, Ukraine, Europe, America & non-Jews