Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery Expose the Jewish Group Racism they promote while individualism among non Jews!
Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery spend the hour discussing fundamental issues relating to Jewish supremacist control over American and European societies. They talked about the differential tendencies towards ethnocentrism between Jews and Europeans, including the Zio elite’s promotion of individualism rejection of race among the majority population at the same time their tribe pursues their group interests.

They also talked about the mechanisms by which a highly ethnocentric culture like the one that Judaism created could even impact the distribution of genes that promote group-oriented behavior, thus creating a positive feedback loop over the course of many generations.
This is a different and fascinating show that will give you plenty of new ideas and arguments to use in spreading the message. Please share it widely.
Click here and look for the show dated 1-19-16.
Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern