Radio Show

Dr Duke & Don Advo: The Elite Who Control America Don’t “Just Happen to be Jewish” – They are Jewish Supremacists Who Seek Power over the Goyim!

Dr Duke & Don Advo: The Elite Who Control America Don’t “Just Happen to be Jewish” – They are Jewish Supremacists Who Seek Power over the Goyim!


Today Dr. Duke had Attorney Don Advo as his guest for the hour. They discussed the nomination of Gina Haspel as CIA Director. Dr. Duke pointed out her disgraceful history running CIA torture chambers overseas and her unauthorized destruction of CIA interrogation videotapes. It is unclear whether the Senate will confirm her.

Then they talked about the nature of the Jewish elite in the United States. Dr. Duke emphasized that these are not simply talented individuals who rose to the top and are pursuing the national interest or even personal self interest, but rather the Jews are highly ethnocentric, engage in massive ethnic networking and nepotism in order to help each other rise, and they pursue their group interest, which they see as being diametrically opposed to the interest of white Europeans.

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Click here and look for the show dated 3-14-18.

Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern

See Dr. Duke’s Purim Exposed videos:

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Purim I video here.

Purim II video here.

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