Radio Show Society

Dr. Duke & Andrew Anglin– Hillary’s Treason, Trumps radicalization, Duke for Senate and Why People in LA can’t wait to vote for Trump & Duke!

Dr. Duke & Andrew Anglin– Hillary’s Treason, Trumps radicalization, Duke for Senate and Why People in LA can’t wait to vote for Trump & Duke!

Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin as his guest for the hour. They talked about the push for war with Russia that is being seen not just in the Hillary campaign but increasingly within the Obama administration itself. The raised evidence from Podesta’s leaked emails that Hillary has known all along that Saudi Arabia was funding ISIS, yet she approved tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to the Saudis while she was Secretary of State. The Saudis were major donors to the Clinton Foundation.


They also discussed Trump’s increasing outspokenness about bankers and globalists, which have provoked cries of antisemitism from Jewish bankers and globalists. As the media’s attack on him becomes all the more blatent and any pretense of neutrality, fairness, and objectivity have been thrown to the wind, Trump firing back at a media which more and more people no longer consider credible.

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Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern.