Dr. David Duke, former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana and Republican standard bearer in two state wide elections, today, September 2, 2015 makes the following statement in regard to the meeting today by the the Vieux Carre Commission in the City of New Orleans on the planned removal of the Liberty Monument:

Dr. David Duke: I and the overwhelming majority of the people of Louisiana announce today that we will not attend the Vieux Carre Commission public hearings on proposals to destroy the Liberty Monument in New Orleans.
We will boycott the meeting and any meetings held for the purpose of removing these historical monuments.
We will not negotiate with Soviet-style, ISIS-style cultural terrorists. I, my friends, and the good people of New Orleans prevailed in our legal efforts to save and restore the Liberty Monument in 1993 (when it was slated for demolition). We are now going over our original lawsuit and preparing for the eventuality that the hateful, racist enemies of our New Orleans, Southern, and American heritage will try to destroy this important historical monument.
We have been expecting these attacks on our heritage for some time. Just a few years ago, the Father of Our Country, George Washington, was chiseled off a public school in New Orleans after intolerant racists said he wasn’t worthy to have a public school in his name.
We are pursuing a legal challenge to any attempt to ethnically cleanse the Liberty Monument and the Lee Monument as well from our rich New Orleans history. Now there are those who are demanding that the central Icon of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson, should be removed.
We proclaim that the mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, to be a traitorous enemy of every Louisianian and every American who loves and respects our heritage. He is not only a traitor to our Louisiana heritage but to our American heritage!
Indeed, this struggle is not just about Southern heritage but about our American heritage. Make no mistake about it, Commissar Mayor Landrieu and his Soviet-style “committees” are dedicated to wiping out of our European American heritage just as ISIS is destroying historic monuments in Syria.
The attack on our culture is part of the racist intention to ethnically cleanse European Americans by immigration policies meant to make White Americans a tiny, politically powerless minority in the nation our forefathers created and made great!
We will not negotiate with Soviet-Style cultural terrorists. We will win this battle the same way we won in 1993 and as it was won in 1874!
Background: The Liberty Monument was erected to commemorate a one hundred and forty year old revolt against tyranny in the State of Louisiana.
Tens of thousands of White Southerners were denied their right to vote, with no due process of law, and a horrific lawless tyranny ruled over the people of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana. In the same spirit of 1776, prominent New Orleans citizens gave their lives for the freedom our people. The monument stated clearly it was to secure their freedom from the horrific corruption and tyranny of the reconstruction government.
“We gather at the Clay Statue in New Orleans to declare that we intend to be free!” We too, intend to be free and are dedicated to our freedom and our heritage.
Just a few years later, the U.S. Government recognized the moral right of the people to rebel and ended the Yankee occupation of Louisiana. This was in no small part due to the sacrifice of Louisianians who would not bow to tyranny. We will win this battle as did our forefathers on September 14, 1874.