Dr David Duke and Dr Slattery- The Jewish Globo Homo War Against All Humanity!
Politics Radio Show

Dr David Duke and Dr Slattery- The Jewish Globo Homo War Against All Humanity!

Aug 8  – Mon – Dr David Duke and Dr Slattery- The Jewish Globo Homo War Against All Humanity!

Aug 5 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Part 3 of Jewish-led Globo Homo War on Whites & All Mankind!

Aug 4 – Thur – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Part 2 Of Biological Jewish War Waged against White People and all Humanity!

Aug 3 – Wed – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – The Genocidal Biological Warfare Waged by Jewish Supremacy against White People!

Aug 2 – Tue – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Jewish Supremacy Wars against Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Russia! & Now China?

Aug 1 – Mon – Dr Duke & Stevenson – Jewish Media: Any Exposing of Crimes of Jews, J-Globalists & Israel is Anti-Semitic!

July 29 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – UK Blogger sanctioned: total Goldstein/Big Brother 1984- style Tyranny!

July 28 – THUR – Dr Duke & Stevenson of UK – Jerusalem Post Exposés Jewish Tyranny of Anti-Gentile Racial Hate and War!

July 27 – Wed – Dr Duke & Patrick Slattery – Russia Kicks out Jewish Agency & Why the Entire Jewish Global Establishment Hates Putin!

July 26 – Tue – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – What is the ONE Thing BANNON and BIDEN Have in Common? Total Subservience to Jewish Totalitarianism!

July 25 – Mon – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Jewish Totalitarian Supremacy over US & Global Media is the Single Greatest Threat to All Humanity

July 22 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Covid Vaxx & Lockdowns Drive far more Mutant Strains -repeat infections & Death than DOING NOTHING!

July 21 – Thur – Duke & Slattery – Russell Brand & The undeniable Jewish Global War against Russia in Ukraine!

July 20 – Wed- Duke & Slattery – Tucker Carlson Proves White Replacement Scheme – But Does not Mention the Jewish Cabal Behind It!

July 19 – Tue – Duke & Slattery – Who is Responsible for this War: Americans – Russians – Ukrainians or Dare we Say it: Jews?

July 18 – Mon – Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – The 4-letter disparaging words F–k & S–t now pervades media, social media, but one 4-letter word (Jews) used negatively is totally banned – Why?

July 15 – Fri – Dr Duke and Mark Collett of UK – Biden in Israel Admits He is a Zionist (Jewish Nationalist Supremacist)! 

July 14 – Thur – Dr Duke & Stevenson – Millions more vile Homosexual Crimes Spread as Jewish pro Homo lies – brazens Homos and destroys young boys! 

July 12 – Tue – Dr Duke – How the Jewish Establishment Enables Homosexual Rape of Millions of young Boys!

July 11 – Mon – Duke/Slattery – Japan Killing of Abe & Understanding the Jewish Global Media Control of the Definitions of Fascist-Communist-Racist & even Sexual Reality!

July 8 2022 – Fri – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – ZioWarmonger Traitor Boris Johnson Self-Destructs & The Sad History of Jewish Tyranny in UK!

The Legendary British rock group The Who said it all in 1971 in its classic song, “We Won’t be fooled again.” Later Roger Waters became one of the most courageous critics of Zionist crimes in Israel and the wars the Zionists have launched for Israel! Here is the first stanza of the song, Dr Duke quotes in this interview with Mark Collett that says it all in today’s World.

We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song..,

Meet the New Boss Same as the Old Boss!

July 7 2022 – Thur – Dr Duke & Paul Stevenson – Boris Johnson & How Jewish Influence Permeates Every Nation in Media, Banking & Politics!

Dr. Duke and Paul Stevenson expose why so many Jews and Part-Jew heads of state destroy their nations in service to Jewish global interests. Boris Johnson is a powerful example of why that phenomena exists.


July 6 2022 – Wed – The Obscene Fat Queer Black Canary in the Mine of the Jewish Toxic Culture Ruling Jewmerica!

Dr. Duke and Slattery on the toxic disgusting culture of Jewmerica today & Why you should be on guard for Jewish war propaganda that Putin is actually our enemy and that resistance is hopeless because “Jews control everything!” They don’t! and thankfully they make mistakes and are losing on a number of fronts in their war upon the goyim!


July 5 2022 – Tue – Dr Duke Post July 4th Solo Show: A 100 year old Decorated Vet Cries for Loss of America & Jewish Lies about Putin!

Dr. Duke does an amazing solo show displaying his wide range of experiences and knowledge to understand what is really going on under Jewish World Supremacy! 

July 1 2022 – Wed – Dr Duke & Mark Collett – Special Duke Birthday Show!

Dr. Duke shares a lot of wisdom today from the lessons he has learned from his long and accomplished life. He talks about a true recognition of the world as it really is rather than the fabricated world presented by the Jewish Media and political slaves!