
Diversity For Thee….. But NOT For Me

Prank Call Reveals True Nature of Jewish Hatred of Gentiles

A recent prank call on a radio show has inadvertently revealed the hatred which the average Jew has for Gentiles. A Jewish girl set up a prank call to her parents from the radio station, informing her strictly Jewish parents that she was now going out with a non-Jewish Italian man.

The hatred which then erupts from the Jewish parents is remarkable: they threaten their daughter with removal from school; deportation to Israel; that it is a “sin” to go out with a non-Jew; that they would “die” if their daughter went out with a non-Jew; that it would be like “eating a pig”; that “God will strike them down”; that their daughter going out with a non-Jew will “kill them”; that “Jews stick with their own”; that they will put the Gentile male “to the f******g wall,”; that they will “break the (Gentile boy) into ten little pieces”; that they will “kill the mother-f*****g bastard” and so on.

It was intended to be a prank – but it reveals what Jews actually think about non-Jews.

And who are the real racists?

Listen to the audio clip at the player above, or here. (Warning: Strong language!)



(Almost every major Jewish organization has programs in place to actively discourage Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. Jewish organizations such as the ADL and SPLC remain silent on this, while they promote mass immigration and ‘hate’ legislation for the rest of us. These Jewish attack orgs readily condemn any other nationalist organizations who would work toward preserving their own people’s identity. Dr. Duke brilliantly exposes this hypocrisy during one of his most powerful Townhall Radio broadcasts ever:

Dr. Duke Discusses Jewish Supremacism & Israel’s Marriage Laws

Also see Dr. Duke’s accompanying article Not Jewish Enough to Marry a Cohen — Staff)
