David’s ‘Supremacismo Judíó’ book tour has been making headlines throughout Spain with over 50 news articles generated during this past week alone! Unfortunately David has not yet been able to raise the thousands of dollars necessary for republication of his updated magnum opus My Awakening. Folks – we simply can’t allow our favorite activist to go out on book tours with one of his books out of print! Like most White people David hates to ask for your help – so his humble staff guy will – please find out how you can help support David Duke’s vital work by clicking HERE. Please consider purchasing one of David’s awesome photo art prints for your friends and family this Christmas by clicking HERE, or consider purchasing David’s recently updated master work Jewish Supremacism HERE. Thanks in advance, a report from Spain follows courtesty of the good folks at Democracia Nacional — FZN
David Duke: “I am not a White supremacist”
Translated from Democracia Nacional
EFE – Dr. David Duke the historian and ex-American congressman of Louisiana has assured the public that he is not a ‘White Supremacist’, that he defends the right of freedom of expression and has assured that his presence in Spain does not mean he is against any person. Dr. Duke has made these statements at a hotel in Madrid while displaying his newly translated book titled “Supremacismo Judíó”, published by Ojeda Editions, while on book tour in several Spanish provinces.
Dr. Duke clarified that when he speaks of ‘Supremacismo Judíó’ he does not talk about all Jews, but about the Jewish extremists who try to impose their supremacy on others. “No town or nation should conform to any another one; every nation has the right to be independent and to preserve its heritage and artistic expressions that they consider valuable” he said. Dr. Duke then assured that he is not against any person here, but that he is for remembering that Spanish people have the right to continue their existence, and to fight for their identity, basic Human Rights and Liberty.
After Dr. Duke emphasized his intention of not fomenting hatred towards anybody and explained that he has friends in both European and Muslim cultures, he said he thought that Europe is in the middle of a ‘crisis’ and he talked about the destruction of the inheritance of a culture. He then criticized the performance of the government in the matter of immigration and said that if massive immigration continues Spain will be lost as will Europe, the United States along with all the distinct peoples on the planet.
Dr. Duke also expressed his opposition to the American invasion of Iraq, to the maintenance of U.S. military bases in 130 different countries around the globe and expressed his opposition to globalización which will annihilate all people’s roots and identities. “We have the right to live”, summarized the author.
The public and journalists were in attendance during Dr. Duke’s presentation. The publisher of his book, Pedro Varela, described Dr. Duke as a professor, historian, author and ex- congressman, after which he translated the words of his speech from English to Castilian.
Dr. Duke began speaking of the difficulties that had arisen during his tour due to pressure from biased information published in the mass media. Although it is certain that David Duke was in the Ku Klux Klan over 30 years ago, this seemed to be more important to the press than the fact that he is an ex-congressman from the U.S.A. or that he is a professor in the Ukraine with a PHD in History, or that no one was ever arrested when he was director of his Klan organization.
Dr. Duke continued explaining the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court where the crime of negation of the Holocaust was recently eliminated, he said that it is not anti-Semitic to question events in history but rather that the legislation punishing the questioning of the Holocaust was the real crime, where as nobody had to go to jail for being anti-Catalan, anti-Castilian, or anti-American and that this was incongruous, since it refused the possibility of discussing other genocides, like the one of the Tutsis for example. [paragraph difficult to translate]
Dr. Duke’s conference was given in English and translated to Spanish by Pedro Varela. At the beginning of his speech he greeted the patriots in attendance, to which as a European descendant he considered as brothers and sisters. He spoke of ancestral inheritance and told of the importance of securing the future for our children and grandchildren.
Next he summarized his political career, from his beginnings in the KKK, at the time which in the South of the United States to belong to the KKK was something as normal as to belonging to the Republican party, he spoke next of his term as a congressman and the different primaries and elections for the Senate and Governorship of the State of Louisiana in which he ran. He finished with talking about his doctorate in History that he earned at the University of the Ukraine and on his present activities as a professor there.
On Dr. Duke’s political ideas, he showed that he is not a supremacist, since the word supremacist implies that one person prevails over another and denies basic rights to them, things which he is against. He defined himself as separatist, since he thinks that in the U.S.A. each community (Euro-Americans, Afro-American, Asian-Americans) must conserve its identity, like in the different European countries, an identity that is threatened by massive immigration.
Later Dr. Duke spoke about some of the subjects developed in his book. He began with the war in Iraq, that he rejects totally, and that in his opinion was orchestrated to satisfy the interests of the Zionist lobby who dominate the United States and Israel. The Zionists wanted to promote the war with Iraq in order to divide the Arab world because Israel does not want strong and independent states in the region, and it is for that reason that the famous “Weapons of Mass Destruction” excuse was employed.
Dr. Duke indicated that there are no great campaigns to protest the policy of Israel towards the Palestinians, whereas in the case of South Africa there was great international campaigns and boycotts of all types. Dr. Duke also spoke on a possible war against Iran at the behest of these Zionists, and about how mass media controlled by these extremist Jews manipulate the discussion about Iran and their president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as something malignant and irrational. As an example the famous phrase repeated thousands of times in the Jewish media that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that he wanted “to wipe Israel off the map”, although his real words, listened to by David Duke who was there, were that “the Zionist regime that directed Israel could not last for a long time, and like the Soviet regime would end up failing.” [See actual quote here]
Dr. Duke continued his conference quoting data about the control of mass media in the U.S.A. on the part of the extremist Jews. He mentioned several cases of aggression committed by agents of Israel against North American citizens, facilities and military that the citizens in his country do not generally know about since they were covered up by the same Jewish dominated mass media. This Jewish control prevents true freedom of expression which he defends for everybody as he believes freedom of expression is the most essential human right. Most journalists are conscious of the Jewish domination of the mass media, but few will speak of it openly in public. On this subject, he commented in his book about the 9/11 case and the knowledge that the secret services of Israel most likey knew of the operation in advance and failed to warn his country.
Following with the Jewish control of the media, Dr. Duke related the case of an important Jewish organization called “Chabad Lubavitch” who meets with the leaders of the western nations without problems, and who say that it is moral that “if a Jew needs a liver, you can take it from a gentile (not judio) to save a Jew, since the Torah allows it since the Jewish life has an infinite value”. Also he exposed that the Jewish extremists sell the idea that immigration is something good, where as in Israel they have immigration laws based on religious and racial criteria, since any Jew can emigrate without problems to Israel, where as a Palestinian born there whose ancestors go back to the time of Jesus Christ, cannot return to the land since it was snatched from them and so they must now live in refugee camps.
Dr. Duke then showed that it is a task of each one of us to present the truth on the domination of the Jewish extremists so that our European towns are not themselves surrounded in wars which only serve the interests of others, and that the policies of European countries are not allowed to be influenced by this extremist minority who have great power.
Like in many of his campaigns, where the President of the U.S.A., the archbishop of Louisiana and the mayor of the New Orleans spoke negatively, he received the affection of the voters whom they allowed to present his candidacy in spite of the censorship and mediatic attacks he suffered. In this same way, he said the truths related in his book must be spread between our nearer circles to form a chain that expands the truth.
After finalizing his speech a question-and-answer session took place. A social worker, who worked with young immigrants commented that he was surprised how many of his points of view agreed with those of Dr. David Duke, and continued by saying that he hoped that the speech of Dr. Duke’s was true, he then asked if he did not think that immigration and the multiculturalism had some benefit because it had been accepted by the western countries, to which Dr. Duke responded that perhaps a small amount of immigrants can be assimilated, but a massive immigration like they are undergoing in many European countries, has the highest costs in social aid, crimes associated with the problems of coexistence that really do not compensate for the supposed benefits to the economy of the receiving countries of immigration, and the worse thing of all is than the people who could help to raise the immigrant’s countries of origin are leaving their own nations with which there is a loss of very important human capital that will make if difficult for these countries to prosper.
Another question referenced to was the problem of Jewish extremism, and it was asked what could the solution be to resist this influence of the Jewish extremists, to which Dr. Duke responded that we had to tell the truth and spread this truth so that this domination could be unmasked and lose his influence.
Finally David Duke greeted the assistants of the different agencies of mass media that had been invited there and answered their questions and spent a while signing books…