
Hopeful Update on Big Media's Continuing Downhill Slide

Related to the Media’s Loss of Credibility

By Curt Maynard
January 2nd, 2007

Yes, I think the mainstream media’s credibility is suffering from all their lies. Here is an excellent article about the collapse of one newspaper. The New York Times’ circulation is dropping off sharply too. As a matter a fact most major newspapers are losing circulation numbers – it has so dramatically hit them, that they are all forced to layoff large numbers of employees.

Here is another excellent article, and published by the New York Times no less, that admits as much, it is entitled “Circulation Plunges at Major Newspapers.” What this article admits of interest is that large newspapers have seen as much as an 8% drop in circulation in the LAST SIX MONTHS. That is a major tanking. If that trend were to continue you’d see more than a 30% drop in two years – it is unsustainable.

If you check this alexa web ranking site you’ll see that the number of Fox News viewers that access their website has dropped off by 6% over the last three months [See here] Additionally the number of return visitors is also down by 7%.

CBS too is down 2% over three months with page views per user, i.e. return users down by 8% [See here]

The number of hits on the CNN is down more than 13% over three months. [here]

MSNBC down by 28% [See here]

So called conservative radio’s popularity is WAY DOWN.

Here is another article that reflects the same trend, although this article would like you to believe that “liberal radio” is taking its place, which is laughable.

The so called “left wing” radio alternative to so called “right wing” radio could only offer up AIR AMERICA with host Al Franken [Jew] and it’s already declared bankruptsy. [See here for Washington Post article] or [Here]

In short the entire media apparatus is seeing a major downturn. Being that Americans really haven’t changed, then there must be a reason they are no longer “tuning in” to the news networks, whether they be television, newspapers, magazines, or radio.

I have no real opinion on whether or not we are at the end times, even if true, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t expose evil and I think the behavior of organized Jewry fits that description.

The “blame it on the Arabs” mantra is getting old, boring and predictable, even for the typical and moronic Fox News viewer. Of course it’s all bullsh*t. If our government were truly concerned that Arabs and/or other Muslims would “take over” this nation, then maybe they should stop allowing so many to immigrate here and/or obtain student visas. The answer is of course, Arabs/Muslims are of no threat to this nation, they don’t own or control a single media outlet in the United States, nope, those are safely in the hands of ethnic Jews. The media lies, we all know it, and if we attempt to convince ourselves that it is credible on occasion, then we are really deluding ourselves. I was in the United States cavalry at one time, back in the 1980s, and I can tell you that the idea that Arabs are in a position to “invade” this country militarily is laughable at best. There are 300 million Americans, with at least 300 million guns in circulation, an Arab invasion force wouldn’t be able to advance to the suburbs of any medium sized American municipality.

The sooner Americans are deprived of happy meals the better.
All for now,
Article Source: The Politically Correct Apostate
