
Columbia President says “the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history!”

The Jewish-extremist run NY Daily News hatefully attacks President Ahmadinejad’s speech at Columbia.

The Holocaust: “The most documented event in human history” !

By David Duke

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was formally invited to come speak by an academic department of Columbia University. In his introduction, President Lee Bollinger made a vicious attack on President Ahmadinejad that is probably unprecedented in regard to the treatment of a foreign national leader invited to speak at a major university. He called Ahmadinejad a “cruel and petty dictator.” In fact, Ahmadinejad is a popular elected official in a country with an active Parliament. He called Ahmadinejad “uneducated” when in truth he is very well educated and teaches university classes. He repeated the Jewish-extremist lie that Ahmadinejad called for “wiping Israel off the map.” He called Ahmadinejad a “Holocaust denier” when all he has asked for is freedom of speech, inquiry and debate on the Holocaust as on all historical subjects. The insults were not limited to the Columbia University audience but were broadcast to the world.

All this came about for one reason, and one reason only: the intense pressure applied by Jewish extremists against the university for inviting him. Bollinger had to save his academic rear end by making this attack. Do anything less and Bollinger’s academic career would have been in dire jeopardy.

Certainly, it is good for foreign leaders to speak publicly and explain their positions. In truth, isn’t it better to enter dialogue with international leaders to resolve differences rather than rushing toward the catastrophic consequences of war.

In perhaps the key statement that he made In putting down the Iranian President, President Bollinger showed his own stark ignorance by making the startling, incredibly stupid statement that “The Holocaust is the most documented event in human history.” Come now, is the Holocaust really the most documented event in human history? Has it been more documented than World War I or World War II. I dare say, it is probably not even as well documented and studied as the American Civil War and the Bolshevik Revolution. Calling the Holocaust the “most documented event in human history” shows how when it comes to the Holocaust any claim can be made, no matter how incredible — without any refutation. Not a single well-known public or academic figure in America (save me) has yet dared to correct this idiotic statement. I am sure now in defense of the Holocaust we will constantly hear in the media that “the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history” the same way we hear the obvious lie that Ahmadinejad called for “wiping Israel of the map.”

In actual fact, mainstream Holocaust historians have constantly bewailed the appalling lack of documentation that accompanies what is called the Holocaust. In what is alleged to be the most extensive and elaborate program of mass murder the world has ever seen, there has not been found even a single order or instruction given to any German official to gas or otherwise exterminate Jews. There are no blueprints, plans or instruction booklets, or orders for the operation of gas chambers that could be just as lethal for the operators as the victims. Even though the SS and Chancellery was captured practically intact, no plan, program or clear policy for exterminating all the Jews of Europe was found. There is in fact not one mention in any contemporaneous German document of any gassing of any type other than for fumigation of typhus bearing lice in clothes and other articles. There are thousands of documents dealing with executions, hostage reprisals, shootings, hangings and the like but not a single document dealing with the gassing of humans by Zyklon B or any other means. Why would the Germans record matter-of-factly killings by shooting or hanging but not by gas chambers? Is there much difference in America between press coverage of executions by gas, electric chair or lethal injection. Why would Germans record one meticulously and not the other?

The overwhelming “documentation” of the Holocaust comes from statements of Jewish prisoners at a time when rumors ran rife. There is ample documentation of the fact that there was a terrible lack of food and medicine leading to starvation and sickness in the camps at the end of the war. There is copious documentation that there were terrible epidemics that swept through the camps in the last months of the war, epidemics that even the allies had a difficult time controlling after their occupation. International Red Cross teams from Switzerland, America, the UK, Canada and elsewhere inspected the German P.O.W. and concentration camps right up to the end of the war, and they issued detailed and documented reports of the conditions in them. They reported in their documentation about the epidemics and they were specifically asked by the U.S. Government to investigate the many wartime rumors of war crimes and mass extermination. After the International Red Cross completed their investigation, they duly reported to the President of the United States in November 1944 that they found absolutely no evidence of intentional mass killing of Jews or other prisoners. The official Red Cross reports refuting claims of an intentional program of mass murder of Jews is a fact that the mainstream Holocaust historians claim is a spectacular failure on the part of the Red Cross.

As the readers of DavidDuke.com know, I don’t argue that the Holocaust did not happen, to do so is illegal in many countries. It may have happened exactly as the exterminationist historians claim it did, but how do we know the truth of the matter when any questioning of any aspect of the official story has been made illegal by Jewish pressure in many places. And to question even a minute aspect of the Holocaust Story can earn one the devastating label of “Holocaust denier.”

However, I, President Ahmadinejad and all true academics and lovers of freedom of speech say there must be a free academic inquiry, research, opinion and speech. Without freedom of research, thought, opinion and expression no one can be sure of any “truth.” The fact that thousands of Europeans have been prosecuted and imprisoned for asking legitimate questions or challenging some aspects of the official Holocaust story is a disgrace to mankind, and against the most basic concept of human freedom and human rights. It also begs the question, why? Why do the Holocaust advocates want to intimidate and even imprison those who questions aspects of the historical story.

If Bollinger’s statement become part of the officially recognized Holocaust Story, even pointing out that the Holocaust is not “the most documented event in human history,” could well cause you to be labeled a quote “Holocaust denier,” be fired from your job or profession, lose your pension, and some places even be imprisoned for years like Ernst Zundel and Gemar Rudolf.

Lee Bollinger is a disgrace to the American Academy, and he is a collaborator in the suppression of human rights and freedom.

The lie machine is going full bore for a catastrophic war against Iran, another damn war for Israel and against every true interest of the American people and the people of Europe and the whole world.