Breaking the Taboo on Jewish Ritual Murder
Left — pictured is typical of the numerous art works depicting the charge of Jewish ritual murder, a charge that has been made in specific cases against Jews in many…
Left — pictured is typical of the numerous art works depicting the charge of Jewish ritual murder, a charge that has been made in specific cases against Jews in many…
Non-Profits Bankroll Israeli Nukes By Michael Collins Piper American Free Press February 12, 2007 American supporters of Israel can be justly proud. As a consequence of their substantial political clout,…
The “God” that Serves Elite Jews By Henry Makow Ph.D. February 16, 2007 Last week I noted that the Soviets razed thousands of churches but spared synagogues. If Communists considered religion…
Left, The cover of the International Red Cross Official Reports on the Holocaust. Revisionists point out that that the Red Cross, including a number of officials from the U.S., Britain,…
Neocon Iranian Mortar Ruse Fizzles By Kurt Nimmo February 11, 2007 “America today blamed Iran for the deaths of 170 US troops inside Iraq, accusing Teheran of supplying insurgents with…
Christian America: Lost In The Wilderness By Rev. Ted Pike February 07, 2007 In the fall of 1846 a wagon train of settlers well on their way to California faced…
Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks? The following is an excerpt from Democracy Now! on the powerful evidence that Israel knew…
Jewish Influence over Immigration & Foreign Policy Dr. Kevin MacDonald / Political Cesspool February 9th, 2007 James: It is our esteemed honor and privilege to welcome our guest this evening,…
“We Killed Jesus Christ; We’re Proud of It” Commentary by David Duke: The following link is to video of a Jewish settler who has stolen Palestinian land. In it he…
“…well connected professionals of radical stripe, from David Duke to Louis Farrakhan, have gone far in influencing American society.” –Daniel Pipes In a recent speech in Malibu, California, Daniel Pipes,…