Dr. David Duke releases an interview with himself undertaken by CNN, on President-elect Donald Trump and his views–which was of course unused by that broadcaster.  

Dr. David Duke and Andrew Anglin Red Pill and White Pill our People in an hour of ultimate Political Incorrectness! Today Dr. Duke had Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin as…

Dr. MacDonald & Dr. Duke Expose the Vicious War on Trump by the Jewish Establishment! Today Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. They discussed…

Dr. David Duke and Pastor Dankof discuss the Magnificent victory of Donald Trump against the globalist warmongers and criminals! Today Dr. Duke and Pastor Mark Dankof discuss the historic victory…

“David Duke Slams the NFL and Black Lives Matter in Monday NIght Football Game Senate Campaign Ads. NFL Bosses cringe.” During the middle of Monday Night Football, Senate candidate Slams…