Capitol Tapes on Tucker Shows No Insurrection on Jan 6 – Jewish Supremacy is the Real Takeover of America!
Politics Radio Show

Capitol Tapes on Tucker Shows No Insurrection on Jan 6 – Jewish Supremacy is the Real Takeover of America!

Tue – Mar 6 – Capitol Tapes on Tucker Shows No Insurrection on Jan 6 – Jewish Supremacy is the Real Takeover of America!

Mon -Mar 6 – Jewish Paranoia & Insanity – Jews Tell Each Other They are “Vanishing” as as (((They))) Rise to New Levels of Supremacy and Tyranny in the JUSA!

Fri Mar 3 – Dr Duke and Collett of UK – Why Jewish Global Supremacy Hates Russia and China – the Last hope to Prevent Total Jewish Tyranny over the Entire World?

Thur Mar 2 – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery on Why Jewish Supremacy and Power is Proven by the Fact it is Not Ever Seriously Discussed in Mainstream Media!

Wed Mar 1 – Great Show Today! Naming the Actual Supremacy Who Rules America & This World and Drives it to Endless Wars: Jewish Globalism!

Wed Mar 1 – Great Show Today! Naming the Actual Supremacy Who Rules America & This World and Drives it to Endless Wars: Jewish Globalism!

Tue Feb 28 – Col Macgregor answers the Question of “Who is Behind the Ukraine” He mentions the “NY Financial Elite & Goldman Sachs!” Might as well said “Jew Jew”!

In this great show, Col. Macgregor admits the elite behind these wars are NOT a small number of arms manufacturers but are the NY City Financial Establishment led by the real oligarchs who control politics such as Goldman Sachs! Jewish Partisans totally dominate campaign funding in America as well as the Media and have infiltrated the highest echelons of the truly deep state which controls the top intelligence agencies under head of the entire intelligence apparatus a Jewish hard core Zionist, collaborator with the Mossad, Avril Haines!
Great Show today

Mon Feb 27 – Dr. Duke Solo – They Demand Israel be called the “Jewish State.” They they are victims they are “Jews.” But when they they victimize & murder others they are “Israelis” Why? Better Optics?”

In this solo – Dr. Duke recounts a fascinating life exposing the greatest open secret of that last hundred years, the Jewish takeover of America and the Global Banking, Media and Government Establishment of the West. Jewish supremacy by the Jewish controlled media is the greatest hypocrisy in all of world history. While they demonize “White People, Russians and others, They hide their global supremacy, corruption and war. he They Demand Israel be called the “Jewish State.” They they are victims they are “Jews.” When they When they victimize & murder others they are “Israelis” Why? Better Optics?”

Fri Feb 24 – Trump & Elon Musk Call Out the Malevolent Deep State Behind U.S. Wars! It’s Nuland (Noodleman) & the Zionist Neocons/NeoLeft!

Wed Feb 23 – Dr. David Duke Solo – Straight Talk about the Reality of Race & the True Identity of the Race Behind Globalist War & Tyranny!

Tue Feb 22 – Dr. David Duke Speaks! If you truly oppose Racial Supremacy and Tyranny of Israel You MUST Expose the Jewish Financial and Media Globalist Supremacy that protects Israel Seeks JEWSA Hegemony over the whole world!

In this incredible talk to you and the whole world, Dr. Duke lays out the documented, shocking truth that the Ukraine war is not a Ukraine War Against Russia! It is not even an American War Against Russia!

It’s a Jewish-controlled Ukraine and a Jewish-controlled USA WAR against the centuries-old hated enemy of the Jews: Russia. Yet, it is not simply against Russia. It a Jewish War against the EU and even America, and ultimately the world — because Russia and China are the only nations which stand in the way of total Jewish hegemony and tyranny over the world!

They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked money from the Zionist teat!

Even more telling it the fact that a dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post of Director of Intelligence! Both the CIA, FBI and all US intelligence agencies including military, report to her. A dedicated Zionist, Haines hobnobs and supports Israel and collaborates closely with the Mossad which was behind Jonathan Pollard, the most damaging spy in America in our history, and behind terrorism against Americans in Egypt called the Lavon Affair.

The Jewish elite control America, its top financial, media and political money – lock stock and barrel. They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked money from the Zionist teat!

A dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post as Director of Intelligence! A dedicated Zionist,

In this incredible talk to you and the whole world, Dr. Duke lays out the documented, shocking truth that this not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

Dr. David Duke Feb 22 2023 — This is not a Ukrainian war against Russia! It is not even an “American War Against Russia!” It’s a Jewish-controlled Ukraine, and a Jewish-controlled USA, a war against their centuries old, hated Jewish enemy: Russians and Russia.

But understand, is not just against Russia. It is a Jewish War against the Ukrainian people and of the same “Russian” and Cossack heritage of the Slavic people that they hatefully despise as quote, anti-semites! They are more than happy to sacrifice the hated Ukrainian Cossacks on the altar of Jewish Global Supremacy.

The truth is that the Jews of Ukraine or the USA or Israel don’t care about the goyim of Ukraine or the goyim of the JewU (EU) or even any Europeans or for that matter the rest of humanity. A recent edition of the largest, Jewish billionaire funded, Zionist Website in the World, The Times of Israel claimed that all non-Jews of the world, 99.8 percent of humanity, are  born with anti-semitism and hate toward Jews in their very genes. ” The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature.” (Michael Laitman times of Israel Remembering the Holocaust: What Is New About Old Antisemitism Jan 28, 2022)

They have bigger ambition than simply continued control over Ukraine. They see Russia and China as the only nations on Earth that can stand in the way of total Jewish globalist tyranny and hegemony.

The Jewish elite control America, its top financial, media and political money – lock, stock, and barrel. With that power they control the most powerful military on earth, indeed, the lock, stock, and barrel of America’s gun aimed at the world.

They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked his money and press support from the Zionist teat!

 Biden is the perfect puppet to be controlled by the ultimate puppet masters, and he is the perfect American version of Russia’s drunken Boris Yeltsin who let the the Jewish oligarchs steal half of Russia’s natural resources and industry, just as Biden gives away American treasure and freedom of speech to Jewish Global Oligarchs.

A dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger who ardently defended waterboarding torture, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post Director of Intelligence! She is the ultimate arbiter of the deepest and most important of America’s secrets, and she is a very dedicated Zionist. She loves the same Mossad that did more damage to America than any other spy in history, American Jew Spy Jonathon Pollard.

A dedicated Zionist, Mayorkas, is Homeland Security Chief.

The Secretary of State, is the dedicated Jewish Zionist Blinken and the Undersecretary of State for Politics is Nuland who overthrew Democracy in Ukraine and made it a Jewish fiefdom. She ultimately directed it to the Zionist Jew Zelensky’s Dictatorship!

Victoria Nuland’s husband shares her hate for Russia, a well known Jewish warmonger and the ultimate Russian hatemonger named Robert Kagan. She has special hate for Russians because Russians prosecuted her father and thus in her mind caused her father’s pathological abuse of her.

She shares the centuries old Jewish hatred for “anti-Semitic Russians” and probably, if she could have been present, would probably have been the first of the Jewish murderers shove the knife into the Czar’s children.

She orchestrated this devastating war that was not remotely in the interest of the Ukrainian Christian population. It began in the Nuland-arranged coup in 2014 in which she overthrew the legally elected democratic government of Ukraine a Nuland immediately instigated the mass murder of 14,000 Eastern Ukrainians who simply voted not to be ruled by the Jewish gangsters who robbed Ukraine blind!

In a documented and proven famous phone call of hers, she says she the EU has no right to be concerned about her overthrow of a legal, democratically-elected European national government. She says: “F—k the EU!

And she surely meant it, as truly the Jewish controllers of America and the EU are financially raping the people of the EU in this Jewish War, even to the point of committing a terrorist act of war to destroy the half German owned EU lifeline of energy in the Nord Stream pipeline.

The Nord Stream Jewish American Terrorist bombing did indeed, in her language, F— the EU, and that the Ukraine War will also F— Ukraine. Anything for Jewish Hegemony. No suffering of the goyim will stop their war against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, and all nations for their World Hegemony!

The Ukraine War is certainly not on behalf of the people of the West or true interests of the WEST. Jewish Globalism backs every degenerate and destructive policy destroying and replacing the very people who created European Western Christian Civilization and who ultimately created America and their European Ancestors as well.

The Jewish war for Global hegemony also facilitates and protects the Jewish financial establishment typified as Goldman Sachs, to financially rape the whole world.  Recently, the Jewish Goldman Sachs company, run by Jewish financial criminals for 150 years pled guilty of a 4.5 billion dollar bribery, criminal conspiracy fraud against Malaysia. Yes, you heard right, PLED GUILTY! They were fined billions, but none of the Goldman Sachs Jewish Gangster bosses saw any jail time. the Jewish media continues so heap love on a criminal American Bank shown to be guilty in three dozen financial frauds and were fined over 9 billion dollars, but no matter, Goldman Sachs still are interviewed like stars on national TV.

If you still doubt Jewish privilege in America, just notice that hardly any Americans or people of any country other than Malaysia, are even aware that Goldman Sachs committed one of the most gigantic financial crimes in all history! It illustrates both Jewish criminality, their incredible privilege and if you know the truth about Goldman Sachs, it exposes both the Jewish banking criminality and exposes the Fake News, Jewish Media that protects their powerful Jewish brothers — in one fell stroke. Now you know why haven’t heard about this crime on your major TV news.

One more thing it proves. Europe routinely bans criminals and fraudsters from even entering their nations much less, doing financial business there. Jewish power and influence are so penetrating all over the world, that I have not heard of even one EU country or any other nation ban Goldman Sachs executives. One more testament to Jewish privilege and power!

Wake the Hell UP! This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Jewish Supremacy over the whole World.

It is not a Military Industrial Complex, that term from Eisenhower’s days in the 50s. The term is utterly obsolete! Today it should be correctly called the Jewish Financial, Media and Govt Complex, and it can be very DEADLY to Americans, to Europeans and to every people on Earth and it has been!

It has been behind over a century of wars which have that caused billions of dollars of costs to America and other nations and millions of of deaths to a number of nations. Many of these wars served early Jewish support for communist terror and later for the Jewish Racist State of Israel and ultimately Jewish control over America meant Jewish Supremacy over much of the world.

Jews created the most murderous and oppressive movement in all of history: Bolshevik Communism, and after courageous Russians overthrew of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia, Jews have now embraced ultra capitalism and endless war using the blood and money of the U.S. and other nations to enforce their criminality. Now, of course, they use their power enforce censorship of those who expose Jewish racist supremacy and the heinous wars and those who oppose their violation of human rights.

Jewish Global money and power and the political power it entails was instrumental to the First World War, Second World War and every war since, including the Iraq War created by the Jewish Neocons and the Jewish NeoLeft through their control of the media like the NY Times and almost all broadcast media. Now they control of all that plus the control of the human mind through censorship and psychological manipulation.

With their control of Social Media, YouTube, Facebook, as well as search engines their power can greatly influence almost every election in the world. Jewish psychology professor and former editor of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, testified  before the U.S. Congress under oath that his studies have clearly proven that Google manipulated search engines affected up to 11 million votes in favor of Hillary Clinton. He showed that except for Google and Facebook manipulation of  internet search and outright censorship, Trump would have won a massive landslide over Hillary!

 The two dedicated Zionist Jews who run Google and YouTube also control the World’s mega Encyclopedia called Wikipedia (Wicked-pedia?). The Israeli State publicly boasts that its government works to control its editing. It is one more way the Racist Supremacist Zionist State of Israel can get away with horrific crimes of Jewish murder and terrorism against Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and much of the world.

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, and all nations For World Domination! It is not on behalf of the people or true interests of the WEST. It is destroying the people who created America and their brothers in Europe as well.

Wake the Hell UP! This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Jewish Supremacy over the whole World.

It is not a Military Industrial Complex, that’s from Eisenhower’s Day. That term is not true and obsolete. Today it is the Jewish Financial, Media and Govt Complex, and it is deadly to both Americans, Europeans and Every people on Earth!

It has been behind over a century of wars which have contributed to both the Jewish Racist State of Israel and Jewish control over America and with it the ethnic cleansing of the United States, the lowering of U.S. standard of living, the increasing wage gap between the richest and the rest of America. They have taxed and stolen the money of the average American to build the world’s ultimate war machine which has killed millions of people all over the last hundred years. And all was in their quest for their own Supremacy over America and their Global Supremacy over the world.

Ukraine is totally ruled by Jews in finance, media and Politics. America is ruled by Jews in finance, media and politics! Through America they rule the World to both the detriment of Americans and to the detriment of the whole world. Jewish Global money and power and the political power it entails was crucial to the First World War, Second World War and every war since, including the Iraq War created by the Jewish Neocons and the Jewish NeoLeft through their control of the media like the NY Times and almost all Broadcast media and now through their control of all that plus the control of the human mind through censorship.

With their control of Social Media, YouTube, Facebook, as well as Search engines and even the World’s mega Encyclopedia. The Zionist State of Israel openly says its military and other state organizations control editing of Wikipedia. They control the global mind which enables them to get away with horrific crimes of murder and terrorism of the Racist Jewish Supremacist State of Israel against Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and much of the world.

I submit that there is no greater threat to human rights and even the human right to have sovereignty over our own minds, than the Jewish supremacist threat to Europeans, Russians, Chinese and indeed all humanity!

Tue Feb 21 – Dr Duke & Mark Dankof — It is NOT the Military Industrial Complex! It is Now the Jewish Banking, Media and Intelligence Complex! The Jewish War Against Russia, Ukraine & All of Us!

This not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

It is not an American War Against Russia!

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, the Rest of the World and Even Against the people of the United States of America!

This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Supremacy over the whole World.

Mon Feb 20 – The Rage Against the War in Ukraine Rally – It is Time to Tell the Whole Truth – It’s a Jewish War!

This not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

It is not an American War Against Russia!

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, the Rest of the World and Even Against the people of the United States of America!

This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Supremacy over the whole World.

Fri Feb 16 – Dr Duke and Mark Collett – How Degeneracy, Demographic Destruction, Global Economic Exploitation, massive loss of Liberty and Endless War all have a common Denominator: Jewish Power!



Fri Feb 17 – Dr Duke Reveals that Biden Admitted to Blackmailing the Ukraine Prosecutor to drop the Hunter Biden Jewish Corruption Investigation!

Tue Feb 14 – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – The Ultimate Threat is NOT China – It is Jewish Supremacy-War & Tyranny!

Mon Feb 13 – Dr Duke and Mark Dankof On the Murderous Evil Jewish War on Ukraine & Russia & the Entire World!

Fri Feb 10 – Dr Duke and Collett – The U.S. (One Nation Under Israel) Proven to Make an Illegal Act of War Against Germany & the EU in the Nord Stream Terrorist Attack!


Wed Mar 1 – Great Show Today! Naming the Actual Supremacy Who Rules America & This World and Drives it to Endless Wars: Jewish Globalism!

Tue Feb 28 – Col Macgregor answers the Question of “Who is Behind the Ukraine” He mentions the “NY Financial Elite & Goldman Sachs!” Might as well said “Jew Jew”!

In this great show, Col. Macgregor admits the elite behind these wars are NOT a small number of arms manufacturers but are the NY City Financial Establishment led by the real oligarchs who control politics such as Goldman Sachs! Jewish Partisans totally dominate campaign funding in America as well as the Media and have infiltrated the highest echelons of the truly deep state which controls the top intelligence agencies under head of the entire intelligence apparatus a Jewish hard core Zionist, collaborator with the Mossad, Avril Haines!
Great Show today

Mon Feb 27 – Dr. Duke Solo – They Demand Israel be called the “Jewish State.” They they are victims they are “Jews.” But when they they victimize & murder others they are “Israelis” Why? Better Optics?”

In this solo – Dr. Duke recounts a fascinating life exposing the greatest open secret of that last hundred years, the Jewish takeover of America and the Global Banking, Media and Government Establishment of the West. Jewish supremacy by the Jewish controlled media is the greatest hypocrisy in all of world history. While they demonize “White People, Russians and others, They hide their global supremacy, corruption and war. he They Demand Israel be called the “Jewish State.” They they are victims they are “Jews.” When they When they victimize & murder others they are “Israelis” Why? Better Optics?”

Fri Feb 24 – Trump & Elon Musk Call Out the Malevolent Deep State Behind U.S. Wars! It’s Nuland (Noodleman) & the Zionist Neocons/NeoLeft!

Wed Feb 23 – Dr. David Duke Solo – Straight Talk about the Reality of Race & the True Identity of the Race Behind Globalist War & Tyranny!

Tue Feb 22 – Dr. David Duke Speaks! If you truly oppose Racial Supremacy and Tyranny of Israel You MUST Expose the Jewish Financial and Media Globalist Supremacy that protects Israel Seeks JEWSA Hegemony over the whole world!

In this incredible talk to you and the whole world, Dr. Duke lays out the documented, shocking truth that the Ukraine war is not a Ukraine War Against Russia! It is not even an American War Against Russia!

It’s a Jewish-controlled Ukraine and a Jewish-controlled USA WAR against the centuries-old hated enemy of the Jews: Russia. Yet, it is not simply against Russia. It a Jewish War against the EU and even America, and ultimately the world — because Russia and China are the only nations which stand in the way of total Jewish hegemony and tyranny over the world!

They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked money from the Zionist teat!

Even more telling it the fact that a dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post of Director of Intelligence! Both the CIA, FBI and all US intelligence agencies including military, report to her. A dedicated Zionist, Haines hobnobs and supports Israel and collaborates closely with the Mossad which was behind Jonathan Pollard, the most damaging spy in America in our history, and behind terrorism against Americans in Egypt called the Lavon Affair.

The Jewish elite control America, its top financial, media and political money – lock stock and barrel. They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked money from the Zionist teat!

A dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post as Director of Intelligence! A dedicated Zionist,

In this incredible talk to you and the whole world, Dr. Duke lays out the documented, shocking truth that this not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

Dr. David Duke Feb 22 2023 — This is not a Ukrainian war against Russia! It is not even an “American War Against Russia!” It’s a Jewish-controlled Ukraine, and a Jewish-controlled USA, a war against their centuries old, hated Jewish enemy: Russians and Russia.

But understand, is not just against Russia. It is a Jewish War against the Ukrainian people and of the same “Russian” and Cossack heritage of the Slavic people that they hatefully despise as quote, anti-semites! They are more than happy to sacrifice the hated Ukrainian Cossacks on the altar of Jewish Global Supremacy.

The truth is that the Jews of Ukraine or the USA or Israel don’t care about the goyim of Ukraine or the goyim of the JewU (EU) or even any Europeans or for that matter the rest of humanity. A recent edition of the largest, Jewish billionaire funded, Zionist Website in the World, The Times of Israel claimed that all non-Jews of the world, 99.8 percent of humanity, are  born with anti-semitism and hate toward Jews in their very genes. ” The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature.” (Michael Laitman times of Israel Remembering the Holocaust: What Is New About Old Antisemitism Jan 28, 2022)

They have bigger ambition than simply continued control over Ukraine. They see Russia and China as the only nations on Earth that can stand in the way of total Jewish globalist tyranny and hegemony.

The Jewish elite control America, its top financial, media and political money – lock, stock, and barrel. With that power they control the most powerful military on earth, indeed, the lock, stock, and barrel of America’s gun aimed at the world.

They sit at the highest levels of the American Deep State and control the Chief of Staff of the current self-proclaimed, “I am a Zionist!” Joe Biden whose whole political life sucked his money and press support from the Zionist teat!

 Biden is the perfect puppet to be controlled by the ultimate puppet masters, and he is the perfect American version of Russia’s drunken Boris Yeltsin who let the the Jewish oligarchs steal half of Russia’s natural resources and industry, just as Biden gives away American treasure and freedom of speech to Jewish Global Oligarchs.

A dedicated Jewish Zionist warmonger who ardently defended waterboarding torture, Avril Haines, sits atop all the U.S. Intelligence agencies as the U.S. Cabinet post Director of Intelligence! She is the ultimate arbiter of the deepest and most important of America’s secrets, and she is a very dedicated Zionist. She loves the same Mossad that did more damage to America than any other spy in history, American Jew Spy Jonathon Pollard.

A dedicated Zionist, Mayorkas, is Homeland Security Chief.

The Secretary of State, is the dedicated Jewish Zionist Blinken and the Undersecretary of State for Politics is Nuland who overthrew Democracy in Ukraine and made it a Jewish fiefdom. She ultimately directed it to the Zionist Jew Zelensky’s Dictatorship!

Victoria Nuland’s husband shares her hate for Russia, a well known Jewish warmonger and the ultimate Russian hatemonger named Robert Kagan. She has special hate for Russians because Russians prosecuted her father and thus in her mind caused her father’s pathological abuse of her.

She shares the centuries old Jewish hatred for “anti-Semitic Russians” and probably, if she could have been present, would probably have been the first of the Jewish murderers shove the knife into the Czar’s children.

She orchestrated this devastating war that was not remotely in the interest of the Ukrainian Christian population. It began in the Nuland-arranged coup in 2014 in which she overthrew the legally elected democratic government of Ukraine a Nuland immediately instigated the mass murder of 14,000 Eastern Ukrainians who simply voted not to be ruled by the Jewish gangsters who robbed Ukraine blind!

In a documented and proven famous phone call of hers, she says she the EU has no right to be concerned about her overthrow of a legal, democratically-elected European national government. She says: “F—k the EU!

And she surely meant it, as truly the Jewish controllers of America and the EU are financially raping the people of the EU in this Jewish War, even to the point of committing a terrorist act of war to destroy the half German owned EU lifeline of energy in the Nord Stream pipeline.

The Nord Stream Jewish American Terrorist bombing did indeed, in her language, F— the EU, and that the Ukraine War will also F— Ukraine. Anything for Jewish Hegemony. No suffering of the goyim will stop their war against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, and all nations for their World Hegemony!

The Ukraine War is certainly not on behalf of the people of the West or true interests of the WEST. Jewish Globalism backs every degenerate and destructive policy destroying and replacing the very people who created European Western Christian Civilization and who ultimately created America and their European Ancestors as well.

The Jewish war for Global hegemony also facilitates and protects the Jewish financial establishment typified as Goldman Sachs, to financially rape the whole world.  Recently, the Jewish Goldman Sachs company, run by Jewish financial criminals for 150 years pled guilty of a 4.5 billion dollar bribery, criminal conspiracy fraud against Malaysia. Yes, you heard right, PLED GUILTY! They were fined billions, but none of the Goldman Sachs Jewish Gangster bosses saw any jail time. the Jewish media continues so heap love on a criminal American Bank shown to be guilty in three dozen financial frauds and were fined over 9 billion dollars, but no matter, Goldman Sachs still are interviewed like stars on national TV.

If you still doubt Jewish privilege in America, just notice that hardly any Americans or people of any country other than Malaysia, are even aware that Goldman Sachs committed one of the most gigantic financial crimes in all history! It illustrates both Jewish criminality, their incredible privilege and if you know the truth about Goldman Sachs, it exposes both the Jewish banking criminality and exposes the Fake News, Jewish Media that protects their powerful Jewish brothers — in one fell stroke. Now you know why haven’t heard about this crime on your major TV news.

One more thing it proves. Europe routinely bans criminals and fraudsters from even entering their nations much less, doing financial business there. Jewish power and influence are so penetrating all over the world, that I have not heard of even one EU country or any other nation ban Goldman Sachs executives. One more testament to Jewish privilege and power!

Wake the Hell UP! This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Jewish Supremacy over the whole World.

It is not a Military Industrial Complex, that term from Eisenhower’s days in the 50s. The term is utterly obsolete! Today it should be correctly called the Jewish Financial, Media and Govt Complex, and it can be very DEADLY to Americans, to Europeans and to every people on Earth and it has been!

It has been behind over a century of wars which have that caused billions of dollars of costs to America and other nations and millions of of deaths to a number of nations. Many of these wars served early Jewish support for communist terror and later for the Jewish Racist State of Israel and ultimately Jewish control over America meant Jewish Supremacy over much of the world.

Jews created the most murderous and oppressive movement in all of history: Bolshevik Communism, and after courageous Russians overthrew of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia, Jews have now embraced ultra capitalism and endless war using the blood and money of the U.S. and other nations to enforce their criminality. Now, of course, they use their power enforce censorship of those who expose Jewish racist supremacy and the heinous wars and those who oppose their violation of human rights.

Jewish Global money and power and the political power it entails was instrumental to the First World War, Second World War and every war since, including the Iraq War created by the Jewish Neocons and the Jewish NeoLeft through their control of the media like the NY Times and almost all broadcast media. Now they control of all that plus the control of the human mind through censorship and psychological manipulation.

With their control of Social Media, YouTube, Facebook, as well as search engines their power can greatly influence almost every election in the world. Jewish psychology professor and former editor of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, testified  before the U.S. Congress under oath that his studies have clearly proven that Google manipulated search engines affected up to 11 million votes in favor of Hillary Clinton. He showed that except for Google and Facebook manipulation of  internet search and outright censorship, Trump would have won a massive landslide over Hillary!

 The two dedicated Zionist Jews who run Google and YouTube also control the World’s mega Encyclopedia called Wikipedia (Wicked-pedia?). The Israeli State publicly boasts that its government works to control its editing. It is one more way the Racist Supremacist Zionist State of Israel can get away with horrific crimes of Jewish murder and terrorism against Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and much of the world.

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, and all nations For World Domination! It is not on behalf of the people or true interests of the WEST. It is destroying the people who created America and their brothers in Europe as well.

Wake the Hell UP! This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Jewish Supremacy over the whole World.

It is not a Military Industrial Complex, that’s from Eisenhower’s Day. That term is not true and obsolete. Today it is the Jewish Financial, Media and Govt Complex, and it is deadly to both Americans, Europeans and Every people on Earth!

It has been behind over a century of wars which have contributed to both the Jewish Racist State of Israel and Jewish control over America and with it the ethnic cleansing of the United States, the lowering of U.S. standard of living, the increasing wage gap between the richest and the rest of America. They have taxed and stolen the money of the average American to build the world’s ultimate war machine which has killed millions of people all over the last hundred years. And all was in their quest for their own Supremacy over America and their Global Supremacy over the world.

Ukraine is totally ruled by Jews in finance, media and Politics. America is ruled by Jews in finance, media and politics! Through America they rule the World to both the detriment of Americans and to the detriment of the whole world. Jewish Global money and power and the political power it entails was crucial to the First World War, Second World War and every war since, including the Iraq War created by the Jewish Neocons and the Jewish NeoLeft through their control of the media like the NY Times and almost all Broadcast media and now through their control of all that plus the control of the human mind through censorship.

With their control of Social Media, YouTube, Facebook, as well as Search engines and even the World’s mega Encyclopedia. The Zionist State of Israel openly says its military and other state organizations control editing of Wikipedia. They control the global mind which enables them to get away with horrific crimes of murder and terrorism of the Racist Jewish Supremacist State of Israel against Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Iranians, and much of the world.

I submit that there is no greater threat to human rights and even the human right to have sovereignty over our own minds, than the Jewish supremacist threat to Europeans, Russians, Chinese and indeed all humanity!

Tue Feb 21 – Dr Duke & Mark Dankof — It is NOT the Military Industrial Complex! It is Now the Jewish Banking, Media and Intelligence Complex! The Jewish War Against Russia, Ukraine & All of Us!

This not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

It is not an American War Against Russia!

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, the Rest of the World and Even Against the people of the United States of America!

This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Supremacy over the whole World.

Mon Feb 20 – The Rage Against the War in Ukraine Rally – It is Time to Tell the Whole Truth – It’s a Jewish War!

This not a Ukraine War Against Russia!

It is not an American War Against Russia!

It is Jewish Global War against Russia, Ukraine, the EU, China, the Rest of the World and Even Against the people of the United States of America!

This is a War for Jewish Global Hegemony and Supremacy over the whole World.

Fri Feb 16 – Dr Duke and Mark Collett – How Degeneracy, Demographic Destruction, Global Economic Exploitation, massive loss of Liberty and Endless War all have a common Denominator: Jewish Power!



Fri Feb 17 – Dr Duke Reveals that Biden Admitted to Blackmailing the Ukraine Prosecutor to drop the Hunter Biden Jewish Corruption Investigation!

Tue Feb 14 – Dr Duke and Dr Slattery – The Ultimate Threat is NOT China – It is Jewish Supremacy-War & Tyranny!

Mon Feb 13 – Dr Duke and Mark Dankof On the Murderous Evil Jewish War on Ukraine & Russia & the Entire World!

Fri Feb 10 – Dr Duke and Collett – The U.S. (One Nation Under Israel) Proven to Make an Illegal Act of War Against Germany & the EU in the Nord Stream Terrorist Attack!