Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — Make no mistake, Obama has been a very Zio president. Even before day one. During twenty-two days immediately prior to his first inauguration, he was silent but deadly while the Israelis maimed and massacred thousands of Gazans in “Operation Cast Lead.” Had he simply raised his voice, he could have saved countless lives.
He lent his support to last summer’s genocidal reprise. And every year in between he has slavishly provided billions of dollars in direct aid, countless billions more in hidden aid like bargain basement prices on “surplus” military hardware, protected Israel diplomatically, and mouthed humiliating Zio mantras about the “eternal bonds” between the U.S. and Israel. Yet for some, eternal bondage is not enough.
According to Fox News, House Speaker John Boehner told members of the GOP House Conference on Wednesday morning: “The president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror. His exact message to us was: ‘Hold your fire.’ He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: ‘Hell no’.”
Israel wants us to go to war with Iran. And so we see McCain and Lindsey Graham pushing for war with Iran, and Boehner is not far behind. As cravenly Zio as Obama has been, we have to give credit where credit is due: he has resisted the insane demand to bomb Iran for six years.
So Boehner is pulling out his trump card. Going behind the back of the President and the State Department and has extended an invitation to Israeli PM Netanyahu to once again address a joint session of Congress. Last time, Netanyahu joked about how easy it would be to get Zio Congress to change the Constitution to allow an Israeli to become U.S. president — to the thunderous applause of the treacherous legislators. All but one, at least. Last time, Senator Rand Paul sat alone in the Senate chamber while all his colleagues were over in the larger House chamber stoking Bibi’s gargantuan ego with one standing ovation after another.
Don’t count on another snub from Rand Paul this time, as he has been going full Sabbath Goy in the hopes of financing a presidential campaign. He is even introducing legislation to punish the Palestinian Authority for having the gall to seek membership in the International Criminal Court, where they could launch cases against Israel based on their flagrant violations of International law.
So with Obama dragging his feet not just on attacking Iran but also on tightening existing sanctions, Boehner has taken the unprecedented step of issuing a Congressional invitation without going through the White House and State Department. It’s bad enough that Capital Hill is Israeli occupied territory. It is a complete humiliation for this country that our elected representatives seem to delight so much in their own subjugation.
Boehner invites Netanyahu to address Congress on Iran, after Obama veto threat

This May 24, 2011 file photo shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with House Speaker John Boehner on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP)
House Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday he is inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month about the threat from Iran, in a sharp rebuke to President Obama.
Such invitations typically are coordinated with the White House and State Department, but this one was not. The House speaker’s office said Netanyahu will be invited to speak Feb. 11 before a joint session of Congress. The invitation comes as lawmakers weigh legislation, supported by Republicans and some Democrats, to tee up more sanctions against Iran in case negotiations fail to curtail the country’s nuclear enrichment program.
Obama vowed Tuesday during his State of the Union address to veto any such legislation. But Boehner signaled he wants Netanyahu to explain the stakes of the debate, as he pledged to press ahead with the legislation.
“Prime Minister Netanyahu is a great friend of our country, and this invitation carries with it our unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of his people,” Boehner said in a statement. “In this time of challenge, I am asking the prime minister to address Congress on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.”