Bill Gates and the coming American disaster
By Bob Twain
Bob Twain knows of what he speaks. He graduated Summa cum laude in Computer engineering at Georgia Tech and rose rapidly in the computer industry. Over time he became increasing angered at the so called affirmative action programs that put in painfully competent minorities over Whites who were far better qualified and talented. Then he witnessed first-hand the increasing outsourcing of computer industry jobs and finally the massive in-sourcing that was making Northern Virginia look like a foreign country and destroying so many American jobs and subsequently wrecking the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. Finally he had enough, quit his job, cashed in the stock options he had and decided to embark on a new career as a doctor. He is currently in medical school in Eastern Europe and once again is displaying his ability, for he is at the top of his entire class. The following is straight talk and is not for the faint of heart, but it has a message for all of the American people that must be heard. — david duke
Bill Gates is a lying scoundrel when he says his mega-corporation cannot find enough workers. There is no shortage of qualified engineers and programmers to crank out his schloch. The problem is that they want to be compensated with a decent living wage. That doesn’t sit well with greedy corporations, all they care about are their own profits, not the welfare of their employees. Not their society. Not their nation.
Bill Gates wants employees who will work until they drop. And he wants to pay them peanuts. So he dumps Third Worlders by the boat and plane load so as to intentionally drive down wages as low as he can get away with. I regard this miserable screechy girly-man as a common criminal beneath contempt. And who is the power behind Gates’ throne? He is the hyper-Jewish, Steve Ballmer, nicknamed the “embalmer” an apt moniker for the man who is embalming millions of American jobs and helping to embalm the once great America of our fathers.
Nobody is stopping them. Not the Democrats, advocates of the “working man”, and at the same time advocates of mass immigration that will simultaneously disenfranchise the very “working man” they espouse to be an advocate for.
Not the Republicans, with their latest infatuation over DOA Hispanics (Democrat-On-Arrival). They are all nothing but a pile of treasonous scoundrels, collaborating with the enemy of the working man, the enemy of America, indeed the enemy of Western Civilization herself. The “Globalist” mega-corporations are the new McDonald’s of McCulturalism. McJobs. McBenefits (or lack thereof). Can you imagine the whole of America with wages like the average McDonald’s or Wal-Mart employee?
H. Ross Perot was wrong. There is no need to start plucking chickens. Those jobs are already taken. By Hispanics sleeping 20 to a room on newspapers with nothing but a bare light bulb and comic books in Spanish on a crate, with empty Cerveza bottles and Cheetos wrappers littering the fouled floor. That’s the “land of opportunity” today. The jobs for our African-Americans are rapidly taken by the immigrants their own leaders kiss and coddle. Latinos, Far Eastern Asians and the like lost their shot a long time ago, or rather it should be said it was snatched from them. A few of their own sell-outs, get affirmative action jobs, and are encouraged to move away from their own community, driving the real African-American community even further into depths of misery, poverty, and hopelessness.
Next came the working man, typically blue collar whites. Their jobs as plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and the like were taken from their hallowed place as the bedrock of middle-class America and given to semi-skilled Latinos, many illegal. They are now hailed as the “new America”. Let’s not look too closely at crime figures or literacy. Or the fact that these people view a large portion of America’s southwest as their own nation’s territory, and openly advocate its return to Mexico.
Now the merlot drinking, Brie cheese eating, BMW driving “Yuppie” uncultured, arrogant, empty-headed miscreants are having their day in the rain. Their jobs are being dumped for cheap offshore exploitation (often in very anti-American, and very anti-capitalistic nations it might be noted). America has sold its proverbial “Manhattan Island” for a box of baubles and trinkets, the way the Native Americans (look to them if you want a good, clear view of European America’s future, except they at least have reservations and their identity and dignity left) were bamboozled out of their entire continent.
This is just the start, the way Manhattan Island was the proverbial start of Indian sellout (apologies to Native Americans, this is only a votive comparison, not to be taken literally). Castrated, sterile, barren America has no future. It has no offspring (just take a good, close look at demographics and birth rates). It is a dying, decaying, rapidly disintegrating shell of its former self, ranting with meaningless slogans (“Democracy!”, “freedom”, “snivel rights!”, as it hysterically brandishes its mega-death weapons systems at any pitiful tin-horn dictator unlucky enough to be sitting on an oil or mineral reserve, or even more unlucky if they happen to be the object of Israel’s Holy Lebensraum. Americans now don’t even have the luxury of dying for America, not even the sick America that we have become, now they must die in the scorpion infested sands of Iraq, Syria, Iran and God knows where else for our hyper-racist new Gods: the Jewish supremacists who we all must worship with our blood and treasure.
In Globalism,America has resorted to looting and piracy. But of a foolish and unprofitable nature. Cause none of the loot goes for America at all, just the tiny breed of supremacists and collaborators that rule us. Meanwhile they middle class gets throughly screwed in the most impolite ways imaginable.
Indeed, “America” (to use the term loosely) is more like a homeless vagrant suffering from a serious case of schizophrenia, donning a stolen Armani suit. Nobody realizes that it’s just a destructive and dangerous lunatic until they get close enough to see that the person wearing the Armani suit hasn’t shaven or bathed in weeks. America is delusional and dangerous. A menace to the rest of the sane, FREE world including the rest of the White World. How much filth and degeneracy spews from the this fountain head of “freedom.” Even if Hollywood is Jewish, it is still technically in America, isn’t it?
Freedom means living in your own nation, under your own laws, in your own culture, with an IDENTITY. Like the Declaration of Independence and Constitution proclaims, with a government that stands up for the American people and their well-being and not some international bloodsuckers.
Americans have been hoodwinked into self-bastardization. They tore up their glorious pedigree and are busily soiling their own sterling progressive history. Their sense of self is gone. America means one thing now, greasy shekels for greedy corporations.
I was on the front lines. I’ve seen what a farce these corporations are. The computer corporation I worked for as a systems engineer was a great big fraud. It just went down in billion dollar flames. It was phony as a $3 bill. The heads got caught. They got prosecuted. For everyone that is caught, 100 go free to wreck the real America and the world.
The whole system is a great big fraud today. It will be caught. It will be prosecuted. Not by any court – not NATO, not the Hague, not the EU, it has long bought them all off. It will be prosecuted by the most severe judge of all – that of history itself. If someone accuses a viewpoint of mine of being disloyal to America, it should be asked rhetorically what exactly is there to be loyal to? Ayn Rand, the ultimate symbol of Jewish love of mammon made a religious symbol out of the “$”. That’s not Holy to me. It’s UNHOLY. It is Blasphemy to the belief in what is truly American. America by, of, and for the AMERICAN people, not the owners of some global mega-corporation, acting like some despotic Third World padrinos, lording over the misery and poverty, and gloating in their own ability to exploit and leech the blood out of the downtrodden peasant both abroad and at home. Don’t you saps back in America get it yet, they are rapidly peasantizing you!
Their wealth and prestige is bought through denigration. America is not about making a greasy shekel any way you can schmooz your way into a profit. It’s about looking out for our own town not Miscrosoft’s or Walmart’s chosen few while the minions are fleeced. It is about taking care of our own. Building a decent, productive, advanced, lawful society for the AMERICAN people. But by the standards of both “left” and phony “right” there is no society. No America. No Americans. Just money. Just profits. It is a sad, tawdry, sordid ending to a glorious heritage. America was once a beacon of light for the world, now it’s a hated shadow of darkness and vulgarity. Pornography has replaced freedom of speech. Vulgarity has replaced learning. Ignorance has replaced freedom.
The way I see you have two choices. Make it the overwhelming duty and purpose of your life the salvaging of the real Americans and the American dream or look elsewhere for a future, for unless you are willing to make superhuman sacrifices and show incredible courage, America and your progeny, at least what little progeny some of you have, will not survive. In fact, it is not surviving now, you are being ethnically cleansed, genocided. There are no gas chambers in this new White genocide, unless we speak of the gas chambers of the SUVs that too many White people love on their way to their 3rd World Sports event where they see beautiful blondes shaking their booty for the troglodyte superstars of the America the unbeautified.
And that is our problem, how many Americans, how many millions who have an inkling of the coming disaster are lost of in the fog of consumerism and Jewish media propaganda, that they don’t even realize that they have become not victims of the problem but part of it.
Open your damn eyes and connect with that little sliver of DNA that makes you a descendant of Washington and Jefferson and Lee and Wellington, Caesar, Leonidas, and Crockett and Lindbergh. Grab tightly onto your heritage, and build upon it. Clean your life up and live for the only thing really worth living for, your people’s freedom and heritage and the magnificence of your own bloodline that still rests under the surface in your very genes and in that of your children.
Otherwise, America is doomed.
Live free or die,
Bob Twain