
Anti-American Legislators Try to Ban Minutemen Adopt-a-Highway Sign

Freedom of Speech for Americans?

By Jeff Davis EURO

An Associated Press article reports “When members of an anti-illegal immigration group offered to sponsor litter cleanup on local roads, they never imagined California officials would offer them an Adopt-a-Highway stretch near a Border Patrol checkpoint on Interstate 5, the main artery carrying illegal migrants north from the U.S.-Mexico border… On Friday, lawyers for the San Diego Minutemen told a federal judge that the state had no right to rescind the offer after state legislators complained to the California Department of Transportation.”

The Minutemen got a stretch of highway near the border?! Who says bureaucrats have no sense of humor? And what might be the ethnicity of those “state legislators” who are objecting? How exactly did they become state legislators without any rudimentary understanding of the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights?

The AP article notes “The group asked that its blue Adopt-a-Highway sign be put back where it stood without incident for about six weeks until the agency removed it in January. ‘We were moved to silence our message in response to pressure from the open border advocates and the Latino caucus,’ said Minutemen attorney Robert Fuselier. ‘It all comes down to one thing: We can’t have our speech because if we do, people who don’t like it might become unruly and unlawful.’ ”

Interesting. Looks like the frequent threats by blacks and Latinos to become violent if they are not given what they want could be moving closer and closer to the non-taboo, publicly discussable stage. Up until now threats of violence and criminal behavior by non-whites have been met by capitulation by governmental authorities. The threats by supporters of Barack Obama supporters to riot are still out there though.

Back to AP: “Attorneys for the state contend the sign was removed because of concerns that demonstrators or vandals could create safety hazards for the 160,000 drivers who pass the checkpoint daily and for Minutemen volunteers collecting litter by the roadside.”

In other words, threatening violence and criminality works, and causes the government to change its policies and behavior –but only if you’re brown or black.
Read more articles by Jeff Davis at WhiteCivilRights.com
