
Another Jewish sayanim has been arrested as a nuclear spy for Israel

Israel Spying On America

By Charles Malik

Another American has been caught providing classified American documents to Israel.

Ben-Ami Kadish, currently 84 years old who “grew up in what was the British Mandate of Palestine and fought with the Haganah [the ‘Jewish paramilitary force’ that was a precursor to the IDF],” was arrested for providing classified materials on US defense, nuclear weapons, and other defense systems to the very same Israeli consulate employee (allegedly Yosef Yagur) to whom the unpardonable traitor Jonathon Pollard reported.

Jonathon Pollard was an Israeli spy as bad or worse than Aldrich Ames, both of whose espionage resulted in myriad outings and assassinations of American government employees around the world. The Israeli government, and particularly members of the settler movement, regularly petition the United States to release Pollard. They claim he is a political prisoner and that he was merely working to benefit America’s close ally Israel because he thought the United States was not doing enough to protect its ally. Contrary to their bogus claims based on Pollard’s lies from his prison cell, investigation after investigation, committee after committee have found that Pollard was working for his personal self-interest and money and nothing else.

Even working within the dubious argumentative frame that Pollard had only good intentions – which he did not, his actions directly resulted in the deaths of American citizens and put American security at risk. There can be no apologies for his treasonous actions given that he was sworn to defend American interests and to protect the information provided to him. Pollard’s intel fell into Soviet hands through the leaky and Soviet-infiltrated Israeli defense and intelligence establishment.

Pollard did not care about the consequences of his actions. He merely wanted the cash provided to him. Unlike him, Kadish seems to have had an ideological reason for his treasonous behavior. He cared more about Israel than the country he was sworn to serve and protect. Both of these traitors knew full well what they were doing and should be punished to the full extent of the law for their unpardonable infractions.


Article Source: Lebop.blogspot.com
