
America's Faltering Economy

The New York Stock Exchange on Black Thursday, October 24th, 1929 did not collapse in one big huge crash, thus immediately bringing on the Great Depression. There was a “sucker’s rally” after the initial crash. Eventually people realized that there wasn’t going to be a “Hoover Recovery” and then the real collapse began. The Stock Market did not fully recover until 1954, 25 years later. Back then, America was 90 percent White, and the main obstacle to prosperity was an inept and crooked federal government.

The stock market in 2010 is getting increasingly unstable. The colossal dead weight of 100 million Third World people currently in the US is a burden that did not exist in 1929, and which threatens our economy in the same way the economy of California is teetering on bankruptcy.

An article on Bloomberg.com reports: “A weeklong rout in stocks deepened, with U.S. benchmark indexes losing the most in more than a year, as reports cast doubts about the strength of the economic recovery and European leaders struggled to contain the region’s debt crisis. Commodities plunged and Treasuries soared. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index plunged 3.9 percent to 1,071.59 at 4 p.m. in New York, its biggest drop since April 2009… Tomorrow’s expiration of U.S. stock options and progress on a financial-reform bill may have added to volatility after U.S. jobless claims unexpectedly increased to 471,000 last week and the Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators posted a surprise drop of 0.1 percent. The slide came a day before the German parliament votes on the country’s share of a $1 trillion bailout to halt a worsening sovereign debt crisis.”

The New York Stock Exchange has always been the very engine of American capitalism, and now it is running out of gas, burning oil, and throwing piston rods. The main function of the Exchange in capitalism has been to keep money flowing in from investors presumably to finance business in America.

What happens when more and more of our economy is taken over by the government? GM and Chrysler were rescued by the government which bought up their stock, but will this save them? Or will politically correct federal micro-managing doom them?

Obamacare is going to gradually exert more and more control on the private health care insurance industry, thus completing the transfer of an estimated one sixth of the U. S. economy to the government. Who will want to invest money in the stock of companies that are now officially forbidden by law to make a profit? No profits mean no dividends, and so who in his right mind would buy health care stock now?

America has suffered years of economic treason thanks to GATT and NAFTA. We’ve allowed millions of needy Third World people to invade the US, load up our welfare services and overcrowd our public schools. We’ve allowed Jewish swindlers (including Bernie Madoff at NASDAQ) to run our economy and we’ve allowed millions of more competent White technicians and doctors to be replaced with quota-hire minorities and ersatz tech workers from India and Pakistan.

America is literally transforming from a White nation to a Third World nation, and a Third World nation has a Third World economy.