
American Jewish Committee Caught Out in Blatant Lies in WSJ

The Zionist extremists in America and Israel have been caught out lying blatantly in their propaganda efforts on behalf of Israel, an article in the Palestinian Chronicle has revealed.

The article in reaction to a statement published in the Wall Street Journal by David Harris, Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee, lists this Jewish Supremacist’s lies one by one:

• “No universities existed in the West Bank until Israel opened them after the 1967 war,” claims Mr Harris.

This will surprise the Vatican and many Catholics in the US. The first university in the West Bank was Bethlehem, opened in 1973 by the De La Salle Christian Brothers with the co-operation of the Vatican’s Congregation for Oriental Churches.

It has been closed at least 12 times by the Israeli invader and shelled by Israeli tanks. Its staff and pupils are continually harassed by the Israeli occupation forces.

Birzeit became a university in 1975 after offering first and second year university courses while still a college. It too has suffered repeated closure by the Israeli occupation.

In 1988 Israel shut it down for 51 months (until 1992) and the university had to operate underground, off-campus, with students taking up to 10 years to complete their degree. Can you see the good folks of Harvard, Yale, Brandeis, etc, sitting still for that kind of abuse?

And, just to be bloody-minded, Israel won’t allow students from one part of Palestine, Gaza, to attend university in another part, the West Bank, even though the two territories are considered contiguous under international law. War on students is part of Israel’s obnoxious policy mix.

• “There was no Palestinian state before 1967. The West Bank was in Jordanian hands…”

I often hear this. So what? Before 1948 there was no Israeli state and the West Bank was in British hands. Before that it belonged to the Ottoman Turks.

What is Mr Harris trying to tell us? That the native Palestinians were somehow responsible for what happened to the Jews in Europe and the Soviet Union, that their land was forfeit – up for grabs, ripe for the picking – and it was OK to expel them?

In 1948 the Jews declared statehood pretending to accept the UN Partition Plan’s over-generous allocation of Arab lands, but they had already embarked on a terror campaign to grab more. They ethnically cleansed some 700,000 Palestinians at gun-point. One of the hundreds of villages whose Palestinian inhabitants were put to flight was Najd, on which the Israelis built their township of Sderot… whose Jewish inhabitants everyone is supposed to feel sorry for.

They even stole Jerusalem, which the United Nations had designated an “international city”. The Old City is actually part of East Jerusalem, which is Palestinian territory; but Israel wants it all and the dispossession, annexation and Juda-isation continues at an ever-increasing pace.

• “Israel has recognized the legitimacy of Palestinian statehood as a result of negotiations.”

Instead of enforcing international law, implementing UN resolutions, ending the illegal occupation and restoring to Palestinians their lands and rights,  the international community created an outrageously tilted playing field and set up ‘negotiations’ between a strong party (the nuclear-armed occupying power) and a weak party (an occupied people living under cruel military rule).

Now, while the occupation continues, Israel’s Western stooges want to sit the helpless Palestinians down once again to bargain with their tormentor for their freedom.

As before, these lopsided negotiations are intended to pressure the Palestinians into abandoning their rights under international law and settling for far less than they are entitled to… in other words, accepting a pseudo-state made up of shredded remnants with little or no control over its borders, no security, no means of defence and submitting to perpetual Israeli control.

The situation is plainly immoral and back-to-front.

“Just as there is currently no parity in the field of confrontation, there is also no parity around the negotiating table,” says Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal. Negotiations serve only Israel.

How can there be peace without justice? So law and justice first, please, Mr Harris.

• “Have the Palestinians similarly accepted the legitimacy of Jewish sovereignty?”

Does anyone seriously expect Palestinians to recognise a state whose jackboot is on their throat?

Israel has ethnically cleansed and confiscated Palestinian lands and water resources and obliterated Arab heritage. It has deposited more than 500,000 Jewish “settlers” on the Palestinian territory it illegally occupies with the clear intention of making the occupation permanent.

For this reason Israel refuses to declare its borders. Moreover, the regime is a habitual violator of Security Council resolutions being in flagrant breach of over 30 dating back to 1967.

Meshaal has said: “We refuse to recognise the legitimacy of Israel because we refuse to recognise the legitimacy of occupation and theft of land.” Such recognition would be inconsistent with international law and human values.

He also said they would accept Israel’s status (which does not amount to formal recognition) within its 1967 borders.  “We just don’t want to give Israel the legitimacy for having taken our land in the first place,” he told an interviewer.

For their part Hamas would be happy to build a Palestinian state within the internationally recognised 1967 lines. This from the Palestinian Resistance won’t be music to the ears of Mr Harris, Israel’s American minders or their British government poodle, but it’s perfectly in line with international law and Palestinian rights. Israel just won’t accept it.