Human Diversity Politics

Allan Wall Reviews the Mexican War – Rebuts Immivasion Propaganda

On Guadalupe Hidalgo Day, Here’s Why The U.S. Has Title To The Southwest

By Allan Wall
February 1st, 2007

The Second Annual “National March for Immigrant Rights” is scheduled to be held on the U.S.-Mexico border on February 2nd.

Last year, the march was also held on February 2nd.

What’s going on here? Why February 2nd?

Answer: February 2nd is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. That 1848 treaty officially ended the Mexican War and legally turned over most of the Southwest to the United States.

The average American doesn’t know much about the Mexican War and thinks about it less.

But here in Mexico they do think about it—a lot. (….Full Article Here)
