Human Diversity

According to the Jewish-owned media, racially aware blacks are "Afrocentric" while racially aware whites are "white supremacists"

By Lewis Doherty. Are the Blacks involved in the disproportionate number of crimes against Whites doing “God’s work”?

Are Black churches encouraging and rationalizing anti-White activities?

Where are all of the stories and documentaries on the major networks and cable channels about the “Afrocentric” Churches as are run on White interest groups?

The media refers to White groups as “hate” groups and Black groups as Afro centric.

Will their be a big “Stop the Hate” program pointing out how Blacks have benefited from their association with Whites?

While Obama made a thing about distancing himself from Reverend Wright’s statements, has he been asked to distance himself from the church in which the congregants yelled approval at Wright’s statements?

Has the government sent in agents to monitor these churches and agent provocateurs into these churches to cause incidents, generate bad publicity and disrupt their operations?

Another Reverend and church:

Pastor Defends Hate-Filled Obama Sermons This is a rush transcript from Hannity & Colmes, March 27, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Reverend Jeremiah Wright triggered controversy with his comments from the pulpit and now another fiery pastor is caught on tape causing trouble for Barack Obama. This time, Harlem Minister James David Manning whose youtube broadcast captures him delivering some hate-filled sermons against the Illinois senator.

(Fox News transcript)