
A Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech

Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech

Commentary by Dr. David Duke — Robert Fisk, the intrepid British journalist who dares to report many of the gory details about Zionism, has struck again with a great article on how freedom of speech in America has been curtailed by the Jewish extremists who have so much inordinate influence in the USA. He points out that in America and elsewhere around the world, if one dares to criticize Jewish supremacism and Israeli crimes, the truth teller will be the one accused of the ultimate crime: “anti-Semitism.” Anyone who dares to criticize Jewish intolerance, Jewish crimes against Palestinians, disproportionate Jewish control over American media and government policy is then labeled as “intolerant” himself.

It has even reached the point where the latest edition of Webster’s Dictionary labels mere criticism of Zionism or even sympathy with opponents of the State of Israel, as “anti-Semitic.” Fisk writes:

…what’s the point when Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines “anti-Semitism” as “opposition to Zionism: sympathy with opponents of the state of Israel”…

So if someone simply utters even the mildest criticism of Israel or Zionists then he becomes just one more anti-Semite alongside Julius Streicher of “Der Stürmer. Jewish extremist power has gotten so obscenely pervasive that now it even controls the most basic elements of our language.

Fisk is wrong about one thing. He suggests that the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson should sue those who accused her of “anti-Semitism.” First off, in America if you are public figure forget about suing for libel or defamation, the standards of defamation are far too high for a decent chance of success. Furthermore, if you lose your case in our biased, overly Jewish represented court system, you could lose everything you own in addition to having your reputation stained even more. Even in Britain, money has huge weight on the scales of justice, and unless you have the gold assets of a major newspaper behind you, as does Robert Fisk with The Independent, your lawyers may just not be up to snuff to theirs. And what happens if you happen to get a Jewish judge? Of course, even to suggest that a Jewish judge might possibly be biased is itself prima facie evidence of anti-Semitism, so forget about asking for a new judge. Even if the judge is not Jewish, imagine for a moment the pressure on any judge, Jew or Gentile, to come down against someone accused of “anti-Semitism.”

In fact, few people could even afford the funds to make even a respectable legal challenge against the billions of dollars at the disposal of the pro-Zionists.

Yet, truth is a great weapon, and although www.davidduke.com only has the monetary resources equal to that of the smallest of small businesses, this shocking story is getting out across America and the world. If you would like to help us do more at Davidduke.com, please don’t hesitate by spreading the links of this story in www.davidduke.com and clicking the donation button and giving us a hand in awakening our people!

You can read the Fisk story at the following link:

A Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech