
"A senior intelligence officer said to watch for stories of “Iranian meddling” in Iraq to soften up public opinion for U.S. attacks on Iran"

Only a Psychopath Would Approve Atomic Genocide of Iranian People

By Willis A. CartoAFP

Although it would be unconstitutional, genocidal and a war crime, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and their inner circle of “Neo-Con Israel First advisors are determined to attack Iran (Persia) because Israel wants it. This is documented in a series of exposes by London’s Sunday Telegraph.

Bush’s inner circle has decided for “the Great Decider” that he does not want to leave office without having a “Mission Accomplished in Iran” photo op. Pentagon bureaucrats have mapped out 2,000 targets in Iran to be bombed.

A bonus, they hope, would be the killing or injuring of Iran’s gutsy president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, considered a no-compromise enemy of Israel.

A group of retired military officers urged war against Iran at a conference in Washington sponsored by the Iran Policy Committee. Saber-rattlers included Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney and Navy Capt. Chuck Nash.

To everyone’s surprise, Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM), has been the lone hero preventing, so far, a disastrous attack on Iran. Fallon, who realizes that American military action against Iran would hurt America more than Iran and wants to bring American troops home as soon as possible, vowed that there would be no war against Iran on his watch. Inspired by this 35-year Navy veteran, patriotic Pentagon and CIA officers – foreseeing a debacle far worse than Americas experiencing in Iraq – are leaking the news that the White House has begun a carefully calibrated program of escalation leading to war with Iran.

A senior intelligence officer said to watch for stories of “Iranian meddling” in Iraq to soften up public opinion for U.S. attacks on Iran.

“A strike will probably follow a gradual escalation, ” he says. “Over the next few weeks and months the U.S. will build tensions and plant evidence showing Iranian activities inside Iraq.”

Iran has legitimate interest in Iraq, considering its 875-mile border with that country whereas the U.S. is literally on the other side of the globe. Events inside Iraq which has been devastated by American attacks, leave that country politically chaotic and unstable.

Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq was stable and progressive, with a 6,000-year history of civilization. Iraq had to be broutht down because Israeli leaders saw it as an obstacle to Israel’s hegemony over the Mideast.

The Israeli/Bush war cabal hopes to provoke an Iranian response, such as Iran stopping oil shipment to the U.S. Or an American ship could be hit by what the compliant U.S. media would describe as an Iranian torpedo. It would not be the first time that American war hawks have manufactured an “incident” to stampede the public into accepting war.

The White House commissioned a study of the likely economic impact of war cutting off 16 million barrels of Iranian oil per day – about 20% of world production. They concluded the international market price of oil would soar to $120 per barrel. U.S. gasoline prices would quickly rise to $5 a gallon. BBC experts said oil prices would triple, exploding gas to $9-$10 per gallon.

The economic consequences for the United States would be disastrous. The whole world could crash into depression. This would bring American prestige around the world tanking even lower than it already is.

Patriotic military officers warn the Persian gulf is a saltwater lake dominated by Persia (Iran). Iran is armed with deadly Sunburst missiles – against which the U.S. Navy is defenseless. Experts warn the Navy’s largest ships, the massive carriers, have now become floating mortuaries. If American ships are sunk, our troops in Iraq could be trapped. Pro-Israeli zealots, such as evangelist Hohn Hagee. Literally pray for nuclear Armageddon, believing that God would waft them up to Heaven, leaving Israel to pick up the pieces of a bankrupt, militarily crippled United States.

Meanwhile, without Iran, Israel – the third most powerful Nuclear-armed country in the world, thanks to its nuclear weapons purchased from the U.S. with American and German aid money or stolen by Israeli spies, such as Jonathan Pollard – would dominate the entire Middle East theatre.

(Issue #40, October 1st, 2007, AMERICAN FREE PRESS)
