
Neither McCain nor Obama!

Rep. David Duke says to The American People:

Neither McCain nor Obama!

To the more liberal Americans: Do you really think that Obama is the “anti-war candidate” when he now cravenly says that he is not committed to complete pullout from Iraq on his original timetable and that he will “evaluate the situation at the time.” Obama actually promises to massively increase American troops in the meat-grinder of Afghanistan.  Are these the words of an anti-war candidate, or an extreme, pro-war candidate?

Just like John McCain, Obama has prostrated himself at the feet of the Jewish Lobby and the extremists who run Israel. His biggest single source of campaign money comes from the hyper-globalist, Zionist, international banking house of Goldman Sachs, and he dutifully supported the 700 billion theft proposed by them and just like McCain supports Fed Chairman Ben SHALOM Bernanke. Is Obama an agent of change or more of the same in a different, more acceptable, and perhaps more dangerous face? With the hatred of George Bush in America and around the world, and Obama viewed as an agent of change, he is actually in  a position to advance the same insane, globalist policies of war and globalism more dangerously than would be a John McCain who is seen accurately as a continuation of the policies of George Bush.

To the more conservative Americans: Do you really think John McCain, Mr. Amnesty, truly supports your true interests? 15 out of the 20 largest sources of McCain’s campaign come from Wall Street, Globalist financial firms, including, as is the case for Obama:  firms like Goldman Sachs. He, like Obama, supported the bailout, the biggest theft in American history, and for truly patriotic Americans, remember: he supports Americans spending the blood of our sons and bankrupting this country in endless wars for Israel.

Those of you from the Left or the Right who think you must vote for the “lesser of two evils,” are being manipulated by the media to support the continuation of a rigged system that the American people cannot win. The lesser of two evils is still EVIL!

I urge every American, liberal or conservative, right or left, White or Black, Rich or Poor: Vote with integrity and morality for the Third Party Candidate of your choice who is truly closer to your own principles than these two unprincipled, Wall Street-, and media-created puppets of those who hold the real power in America. When you vote for a lesser of two evils, you compromise your own integrity and lose your ability to criticize politicians who sell out their constituents and their own principles.

All of us should vote for a Third Party candidate and make a strong case that we must have complete reform of the two-party dictatorship leading America to disaster. There are two candidates acceptable to large segments of liberals and conservatives: Ralph Nader on the more liberal side and Chuck Baldwin on the conservative side. Or one can even write in a more outspoken candidate against the existing system like John de Nugent. The point is to not let America’s corrupt elite in finance and media manipulate you into voting against your own conscience!

The Democratic Party can never be reformed until it learns that it cannot ignore the wishes of its rank and file. Democrats who are anti-war and anti-Globalist are blackmailed to support Obama with the specter of a Republican President.

The Republican Party likewise can never be reformed as long as its leadership thinks it can go completely against our interests by blackmailing us with the specter of a Democratic President.

In truth, under both Republicans and Democrats the America we love is going to hell in a hand basket!

We need a clean break. Vote against both McCain and Obama, Vote Third Party! Make  a clear statement for the future. Have integrity. Vote your true beliefs, don’t let them blackmail you!