Minority population grows to 100 million — 1 of 3 in U.S.
Majority of Americans under 40 are now non-White and Whites a small minority in those under 25!
David Duke comments: The latest U.S. Cenus studies show clearly the ethnic cleansing of European Americans taking place in the United States. Through massive immigration and differential birthrates, the younger generation of White people are now outnumbered by nonwhites their own age. In the 1960’s European Americans constituted over 90 percent of the Ameircan population–now we are at 66 percent and, at this rate, in a decade or two we will be a minority in the nation our own people founded. All signers of the declaration of Independence were European Americans. The first immigration law created by the United States Government by the same creators of our Constitution limited immigration into the United States to European Christians. Now we are on the verge of being outnumbered and outvoted in our nation. The radical leftist politics of Jesse Jackson and La Raza Unita will be a mainstream poltical power in America. To those European Americans reading this: If this is not the time to invest your lives, your fortune and your honor into our people’s heritage and freedom, when is the time? It is time to set aside every other consideration in your life and make the struggle for our freedom and even our very existence the top priority of your life. The time is now!
The following article is by Leslie Fulbright and appeared in the Thursday, May 17, 2007 edition of the SF Chronicle.