
Homeless Problem Gets Worse

Local governments and municipalities are getting increasingly desperate to find some way to deal with all of the problems caused by the Obama Depression, from illegal immigration to mass unemployment and homelessness. Federal authorities usually won’t allow local government to apply any kind of corrective action to alleviate the evils that Obama has caused –such as rounding up illegal aliens. Local governments are responding to the homeless problem by sweeping it under the rug, creating new laws to harass the homeless until they leave.

A CBS News article reports: “Getting some shuteye in one New Jersey town could land you in hot water, depending on where you lay your head. In Roselle Park, it is against the law and you could be fined or arrested for sleeping in public. One resident couldn’t help but laugh when she heard the news. ‘Isn’t that a little crazy? I mean, if you fall asleep, like if I were to sit down on this bench and wait for a bus and I fell asleep, that’s against the law?’ she said. ‘Don’t you think that’s a little crazy?’ Even though that’s the letter of the law, Police Chief Paul Morrison said drowsy drivers and napping babies need not worry. ‘This ordinance was amended to help assist the police in addressing the increasing problem of homeless people sleeping on benches,’ Morrison said. Business owners said they’re a nuisance and eyesore…”

The problem is how do you deal with them? Arrest them? Well, that gets them off the street, true enough, but what then? Can the town’s jail accommodate hundreds of people, whose only “crime” is poverty? What happens when the number of people driven onto the streets by Obama’s continued bungling of the economy simply gets too big?

Most homelessness used to be caused by drug or alcohol abuse, but that is no longer the case. There are now millions of foreclosed families all across America who were literally turned out onto the street. The lucky ones move in with their parents, but many people don’t have that option. They literally have no place to go. Many cities are too dangerous for a homeless family. Most cities are too cold this time of year, and so the homeless are migrating southward and into the countryside like ancient tribes. seeking someplace where at least they won’t freeze to death.

Many people now live in the big city in an RV moving it a couple times per week. One recent news (below) reports that a tent city in New Jersey has only grown bigger, and many people have been there for years.