What goes together like beer and pretzels or Lindsay Lohan and rehab? Chicago and corruption, of course! Since the days of Bathhouse John Coughlin through the St. Valentine’s Day massacre…

by Jeff Davis. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz tells us “For years now, Wikipedia has been a fierce battleground between the Israeli right and left. One key battle was over the entry…

We are headed for an oncoming financial train wreck. The engineer’s car is not manned by a wide-awake engineer with his hand on the brake watching the track ahead. It’s…

by Jeff Davis. Democrats only know how to do two things: tax and spend. Obama has just committed the US to provide medical insurance for everyone in America. On Jan.…

Another scientific achievement suggests we could solve our racial problems in a very short time if our government would support certain new technology. The Sun newspaper reports: “A ROBOT billed…