Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do? by Philip Weiss — David Duke: Here is a revealing article written by a courageous Jewish journalist.  I…

At the end of the “Summer of Recovery,” White Americans are still broke, unemployed, foreclosed-on and increasingly…hungry. An article on reports: “The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose…

More news from our “gorgeous mosaic” of a society as the liberals call it. The Asian mayor of San Gabriel was recently arrested for, among other things, purse-snatching. So much…

The Chicago Star Tribune reports “The nation’s gambling capital is staggering under a confluence of economic forces that has sent Las Vegas into what officials describe as its deepest economic…

An article in the U.K. Daily Mail notes “These are the maps that show the racial breakdown of America’s biggest cities. Using information from the latest U.S. census results, the…

The (British) Sun reports: “A British teen who sent an email to the White House calling President Obama a “p***k” has been banned from America FOR LIFE. The furious FBI…

Next time you see or hear that old “support our troops” mantra, you might want to think long and hard about what it is you’re supporting. There’s still a core…