(During what must now be described as a protracted war between the major parties, these few remaining days before the 2010 elections have buried American voters beneath a mountain of…

Minority Subprime Disaster Costs US at Least $1.5 Trillion. by James Buchanan. If you estimate an average loss in value of about $200,000 to each home that was in the minority…

Here is an article from the Jerusalem Post discussing things in Israel we are not allowed to know in Europe and America! Yosef is the former chief Rabbi of Israel.…

Here is an article from the Jerusalem Post discussing things in Israel we are not allowed to know in Europe and America! Yosef is the former chief Rabbi of Israel.…

It deals with the  recent statements in Israel of Jewish “religious” leaders authorizing Jewish women to sexually seduce Gentiles, and points out that this fact has been totally suppressed by…

The Arizona Republic reports: “Chandler police are investigating the bizarre case of a man who was stabbed, decapitated and left in a pool of blood in a central city apartment.…

Of all the ridiculous and potentially dangerous policies that political correctness has forced on American society, one of the most loathsome is the acceptance of perversion in the military. The…

Ever wonder where that $787 billion dollars in stimulus money went. Well, some of it went to dead people. One news article reports: “A government investigator says 89,000 stimulus payments…