by Ian Mosley. The Madoff case seems to have started a kind of snowball effect of Judaic deceit. Recently the media and law enforcement have uncovered all kinds of kosher…

by Jeff Davis. First there were the skeptics who pointed out there was a decade of Global Cooling in the 1970s which disproves any strong connection between pollution and the earth…

by Jeff Davis. An article in the Huffington Post reports “The women tattooed his name and portrait on their bodies and gave their children his name – Savior. They spoon-fed the…

‘Israel deserves no allies, least of all the United States’ By Charles Coughlin — EURO. We have all heard our cowardly politicians claim that Israel is a “great ally” of the United…

by James Buchanan. The neocons are still fishing around for an excuse for a war against Iran. On their latest “fishing” trip, they killed five to eight Iraqis in a…

Holocaust Survivor Redefines “Anti-Semitism” Here is a new video by David Duke about the remarkable Holocaust survivor, Dr. Hajo Meyer, who dares to expose the evils of Jewish extremism in…

by Jeff Davis. A number of politicians and preachers in a few Protestant churches seem to think the Jews still have some special relationship with God. They still think the…