Left — pictured is typical of the numerous art works depicting the charge of Jewish ritual murder, a charge that has been made in specific cases against Jews in many countries and in many eras.
The Bloody Passovers of Dr. Toaff
By Israel Shamir
Preface Commentary – By David Duke
In my book, Jewish Supremacism, I wrote nothing about the accusation Jewish leaders call, “Blood Libel.” From ancient times all the way into the 20th Century there have been repeated accusations by Christian authorities that some extremist Jews have acted their out their deep hatred of Gentiles by kidnapping and then ritually sacrificing Christian children. From the Jewish Talmud and from the writings of prominent Jewish leaders I document many, almost insanely hateful pronouncements against Christians in my book, but I thought discussion of Jewish ritual murder of Christians would be beyond the pale for many of my readers and might throw doubt upon the larger body of my well-documented research. Now the taboo on discussion of Jewish ritual murder has been broken, and by none other than a very prominent Jewish, Israeli scholar, Dr. Ariel Toaff, who is considered the perhaps the most knowledgeable Jewish professor in the world on Jewish life in the Middle Ages. As Israel Shamir writes, “His three-volumed Love, Work, and Death (subtitled Jewish Life in Medieval Umbria) is an encyclopaedia of this admittedly narrow area.” Dr. Toaff teaches at the respected Jewish University at Bar Ilan, close to Tel Aviv and his father was no less than the lead Jewish Rabbi of Rome.
Dr. Toaff’s book, Bloody Passover, chronicles the finding in the year of 1247 the murdered-and-bled body of a two year old Christian boy named Simon in the basement of a Jewish family in Trent, Italy, and the book reports on the subsequent trial of the Jews allegedly responsible for the murder. In the book, Dr. Toaff presents compelling evidence that the Christian child was murdered in a Jewish extremist blood ritual. He doesn’t say that this ritual is common among Jews, but argues that during the Medieval period some extremist Jews, animated by hatred against Christian persecution, committed these and other heinous crimes against Christian children. As one can imagine, this book by a famous and respected Jewish scholar has caused a deluge of hateful commentary from Jewish extremists such as Abraham Foxman of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith), so much so that after threats and attacks, the professor had the book withdrawn and it will not be available to the general public. However a few review copies are out and the book is extremely well documented and reasoned. Jewish ritual murder has classically been characterized as extremist Jews ritually murdering Christian children and then using their blood in ritual foods. Some Jewish scholars have attacked the book’s thesis by saying the use of blood that way would be completely against Jewish laws, because Jews view any blood as unclean. These rabbis conveniently forgot to mention that some Orthodox rabbis actually suck the blood from the freshly circumcised penises of infants. This sounds very strange, but is true and one Jewish organization even published pictures of the ceremony.
Another interesting corollary is that on Purim, Orthodox Jews have some very strange rituals and dietary habits. Purim is a major Jewish celebration of the murder of Haman, all of his sons and 70,000 Persians that Jews claim plotted a pogrom against them. In Synagogues at Purim, Jewish children beat willow branches which symbolizes the beating of Haman, a fairly hateful ceremony to be sure. Even stranger is the cuisine made up for Jewish Purim feasts. They make and eat with glee Hamantaschen, which are triangle shaped cookies that symbolize Haman’s ears. But, the height of their dietary oddness might be the dish they call Kreplach, which are dough pockets filled with ground beef, the ground beef is meant to represent the beaten flesh of Haman. Some of you who are new to the world of Jewish extremism might not believe me but I document these facts from mainstream Jewish sources in my book Jewish Supremacism.
Israel Shamir is and Israeli Jew who served in the military, and was a distinguished scholar of the Talmud. He gradually realized that hardcore Judaism and the Zionist State are perhaps the most extreme forms of racism and supremacism in the world. He began to champion the obvious victims of this supremacism: the Palestinians, but gradually learned that Zionism and Jewish extremism are powerful in many nations (such as the United States) and had become the biggest dangers to world peace and freedom. You find by this article that Israel Shamir is brilliant writer, and I guarantee that you will be shocked by what this courageous Israeli conveys to us. I met Dr. Shamir at the World Anti-Zionist Conference at my university in Kiev, Ukraine where he gave one of most powerful lectures I have ever heard on the dangers of International Zionism.
The taboo on the ancient charge of Jewish Ritual Murder has been broken, read on about this fascinating subject. — David Duke
The Bloody Passovers of Dr. Toaff — By Israel Shamir
Blood, betrayal, torture, and surrender are interwoven in the story of an Italian Jew, Dr Ariel Toaff, as if penned by his compatriot Umberto Eco. Dr Toaff stumbled onto a frightful discovery, was horrified but bravely went on, until he was subjected to the full pressure of his community; he repented, a broken man.
Dr Toaff is the son of the Rabbi of Rome and a professor in the Jewish University of Bar Ilan, not far from Tel Aviv. He made a name for himself by his deep study of medieval Jewry. His three-volumed Love, Work, and Death (subtitled Jewish Life in Medieval Umbria) is an encyclopaedia of this admittedly narrow area. While studying his subject he discovered that the medieval Ashkenazi Jewish communities of North Italy practiced a particularly horrible form of human sacrifice. Their wizards and adepts stole and crucified Christian babies, obtained their blood and used it for magical rituals evoking the Spirit of Vengeance against the hated Goyim.
In particular, he dwelt on the case of St Simon of Trent. This two-year old child from the Italian town of Trent was kidnapped by a few Ashkenazi Jews from his home on the eve of Passover 1475 AD. At night, the kidnappers murdered the child; drew his blood, pierced his flesh with needles, crucified him head down calling “So may all Christians by land and sea perish”, and thus they celebrated their Passover, an archaic ritual of outpouring blood and killed babies, in the most literal form, without usual metaphoric “blood-wine” shift.
The killers were apprehended, confessed and were found guilty by the Bishop of Trent. Immediately, the Jews took their protest to the Pope and he had sent the bishop of Ventimiglia to investigate. He allegedly accepted a hefty bribe from the Jews and concluded that the child was murdered by a Hamas mine in order to besmirch Israel, as there was no Tsahal ordnance found on the beach of Trent. “Simon had been killed by Christians with the intention of ruining the Jews”, said the pre-war Jewish Encyclopedia, in a clear case of premonition: the same argument was used by Jews in 2006 while explaining away the mass murder of children in Kafr Qana.