
The Jewish State's Racial Purity Laws discriminate against Non-Jews

Marriage Wall Pains New Israelis

Strict qualification standards won’t let many wed

By Vita Bekker

LOD, ISRAEL — Two years ago, Diana Mirtsin and Alexander Skudalov met on the Internet, and soon their romance turned serious.

She was a 29-year-old pharmacy worker from Ukraine. He was a 32-year-old train technician from Uzbekistan. Both had come to Israel as part of the emigration wave from the former Soviet Union. Four months after they started dating, she became pregnant.

But in the face of Israel’s formidable Orthodox religious establishment, their hopes of marrying in the country that gave them citizenship are nearly futile.

Mirtsin is considered Jewish by the Orthodox rabbinate, but Skudalov is not. Like about 300,000 other Israelis — mostly Soviet immigrants — they bump into a closed door on issues of personal status, including marriage and divorce.

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(Almost every major Jewish organization has programs in place to actively discourage Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles. Jewish organizations such as the ADL and SPLC remain silent on this, while they promote mass immigration and ‘hate’ legislation for the rest of us. These Jewish attack orgs readily condemn any other nationalist organizations who would work toward preserving their own people’s identity. Dr. Duke brilliantly exposes this hypocrisy during one of his most powerful Townhall Radio broadcasts ever:

Dr. Duke Discusses Jewish Supremacism & Israel’s Marriage Laws

Also see Dr. Duke’s accompanying article Not Jewish Enough to Marry a Cohen— Staff)
