Human Diversity Politics

Super Tuesday — Exposing the Real Racists!

Two racist afrocentrists: Al Sharpton and Barack Obama. To the media, no problem!

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Super Tuesday — Exposing the Real Racists in America

Obama gets at least 88 percent of the Black vote but nobody notices

Bill and Hillary Clinton have been the biggest advocates of Black interests and the Black agenda in recent American politics. Bill is even warmly referred to as the “first Black President” for his unrelenting support of the Black agenda.

Under the Clinton administration, the massive government-mandated racial discrimination against Whites (called euphemistically affirmative action) has become pervasive in both the public and private sector. Better-qualified Whites face racial discrimination in jobs, scholarships, union admittance, college admittance, promotions in academia, business and industry and the military, and in publicly bid contracts. Millions of Whites have been victims of Black criminality. More millions have been forced to abandon, with great financial difficulty, the public schools that their own taxes overwhelmingly pay for because of the horrid conditions caused by the racial realities in those schools. Millions of Whites have seen massive immigration transform their communities from the clean and safe places of American heritage to ghettos and barrios of dilapidation, trash and crime. The Clintons have been at the forefront of the policies that have so harmed White America.

But, everything the Clintons have done for the Black radicals counts for nothing among the Black voters.

The Atlanta Journal exit poll revealed that on Super Tuesday at least 88 percent of the Black voters pulled the lever for the Black candidate, Barack Obama. Owing to the fact that he is a relative newcomer, Barack Obama has accomplished little to advance the Black agenda, certainly nothing comparable to the Clintons. He surely did not get the Black vote because his policies were more in line with the Black community as they were practically identical on welfare, health care, and in what they call the mistreatment of Black criminals. Both Obama and Clinton allege that a racist criminal justice system exists in America. Both of them want to let hundreds of thousands of Black criminals out of jail.

So why did Blacks overwhelmingly vote for Obama? Did he offer a remarkably different program?

There is clearly one overriding factor in their choice of Obama. He is one of them! They were motivated by a racial loyalty. They voted for Obama because he is Black, period.

Such is the clear hypocrisy of the American political system. Every candidate is grilled by the media and minority special interest groups as to what they will specifically do for the Blacks, the Hispanics, etc. Often the questions are expressed as, “Why should African Americans vote for you?” or “What will you do to address the issues important to Black people in America.” The same kind of questions are also addressed from the Mexican or “Hispanic” point of view.

No Democrat or Republican candidate can avoid such questions, and not one of them, not even Ron Paul, refrained from saying how he was the best candidate for the group interests of Blacks or Hispanics. Ron Paul even went on to say that Blacks are the victims of a “racist criminal justice system” and that he was the only one who would pardon and release all Black drug felons in American federal prisons. Shockingly, he had no concern about the thousands of White victims that would suffer terribly from such a policy. I dare say that Paul’s statment undermined a great deal of potential White support for Ron Paul and goes a long way to explain his poor showing even though most Americans oppose the war.

Not one candidate dared to appeal directly to the needs and issues facing White people in America. No reporters asked the candidates, “Why should White people vote for you?,” or “What will you do about the issues that are important to White American majority?”

In the days after Super Tuesday, not one national commentator has pointed out the racist nature of the overwhelming mass of Black voters. No one has pointed out the racist nature of the media establishment and the racism of every major candidate in being concerned only about the needs or interests of Blacks, but not daring to even suggest that there are interests shared in common by the vast majority of the White population just as there are needs shared in common by Blacks.

To address issues of importance to Black people is called fairness and compassion.

To address needs of White people is called “racism.”

Barack Obama is a leading member of an Afro-centric Black Church that pledges first loyalty to Africa over America. Why does no one in media dare to criticize Obama on this issue, not even Republican candidates?

In spite of Obama’s clear racial appeal to Blacks and what is perceived as Black interests, millions of White people were still willing to vote for Obama, a man whose first loyalty as shown by his church,  is arguably to Africa and African Americans. At the same time, Blacks were not even willing to vote for a White candidate who has unashamedly put Black interests over White interests for many years.

Who the real racists in America?

The facts are clear. You decide.

David Duke